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His body hunched over as another wave of nausea caused him to empty his stomach from every last drink he consumed within the last hour. The loud sound of gags ripping from his throat, echoing in the hollow bowl of the toilet.

His throat felt dry and scratchy as if someone had rubbed it with sandpaper, due from his harsh coughing session.

A single knock than tap on the door from the outside. He groaned rather loudly as he reached up for his throbbing head to soothe his sensitive headache.

"Hey buddy, you okay in there? Do you need an ambulance?" The concerning voice asked.

Just go away... though the words never left his mouth. Instead, he pushed himself off the floor, up on his shaky legs. He had to get home. It was probably about 3:00 am and he was too busy stumbling around in the bathroom of a corner store.

He manged to open the door, revealing the owner of the store on the other side. A gasp left from him as he examined the person that stood in front of him.

"Sir, you don't so look good. You might have to see a doctor-"

"I'm fine." He cut the man off and brushed around him, heading towards the exit.

And just like that he was gone.

Sherman》Completed Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora