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I just cry for no reason
I just pray for no reason
I just thank for the life, for the day, for the hours,and another life breathing~ Kendrik Lamar ft. SZA


I can believe it! Graduation was approaching fast. It seem like it was only yesterday, I walked among these walls as a freshman. Now as a senior, I was only moving closer to my future. I haven't apply for any colleges yet and I know that's the immature thing to do but the way I see it as, I just did 12 years of school. Did I really want to spend an extra 4 years of going to school and I won't be moving towards what I really want to do for another 2 or 3 years? Most people go through with it but I'm not sure if college is something I should commit to. I mean there's plenty of life choices out there like; the military, traveling, journalism, etc. I think people focus too much on having their masters or bachelors and there's nothing wrong with that. From my prospective, why go to school to learn these things when in our generation, we internet access and bookstores to teach us.

As I said before, there's nothing wrong with wanting to go college but also college may not be for all people.

I helped set up chairs for the stage while others decorate the gym. It feels like planning a prom all over again, though I didn't go this year. I had gotten stuck babysitting my nephew but it also turn out to be fun as well because Sherman was there. That was the night we shared our first kiss. Just thinking about it brought a smile to my face. Speaking of Sherman, I wonder where he was? I drove my mom's car this morning. Since we came back from Coachella, he seemed off. Maybe he was sick? Doubt it. If he were, I would have been the first person he called.

I picked up my cell and dialed him. His phone rang 4 time before he picked up. That's unlike him.


"Hey! Where are you? I haven't seen you around all day. Are you sick or something?"

"No and I kinda can't talk right now. But I'll come over later on tonight with dinner. How does Panda Express sound?"

"That's fine."

"Okay, I have to go now. Love you."

The line went dead. Something's wrong. I don't know what but the way he sounded. I can't put my finger on it. Maybe he'll explain later on.


I paced the living room anxiously. I'm surprised the floor hasn't worn out. Sherman sounded upset over the phone. Did something happen within a week since left Coachella beside his little mishap? Maybe he's going to break up with me? My heart thumped at the thought.

On cue the doorbell rang. I hurried to open it, revealing Sherman on the other side. He held a smile and also our dinner.

"Are you okay?"

"Of course! Why wouldn't I be love?" He kissed my cheek and stepped into the house

"Well when we talked over the phone, you seemed upset. Are you breaking up with me?"

"What! Love? Why would I ever do such a thing?" He caressed my arms in reassurance

"I don't know. How come you couldn't talk earlier?" I asked

"Well I've been doing some thinking. I took what you said into consideration and went to see someone about my problem. It took guts but I did anyway and I'm glad I did."

I smiled as I melted in his warm embrace.

"I'm so proud of you."

Thoughts? Leave them here 💕


Sherman》Completed Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang