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I'm only one call away
I'll be there to save the day
Superman got some nothing on me
I'm only one call away~ Charlie Puth

I couldn't stop them. No matter how hard I tried, they fell anyway. I could hear pounding on my door through all the voices. They told me to do it. The voices that's been haunting since my problem started. This time, I couldn't bring myself to do it. What's holding me back? I held the sharp object in my palm but didn't dare to give in. Am I fighting? Why? I've trained myself to be this way. Maybe it's because of her? Since she brought me to lunch the more she hung around me, I guess people tend to leave an affect on you.

"Sherman stop this right now! We're sick of this." My father said angrily

I could only imagine how furious he looked behind that door. What he meant is that they're were tired of dealing with me. He's right. I'm sick too. Mentally, physically, and emotionally.

'You can make the pain go away. It's so easy. Just do it'

I can't. I would hurt the one person I became to care about within a short period of time. Andrea would never move pass this. I had to be strong for her. She was worth it.

"Sherman?" A voice called softly

Instantly the tears stopped. My feet ran me over to the door. There she was. I knew she come. My parents stood behind her. I pulled her in and slammed the door shut.

"Did you do it?" A smile tugged at my lips


She engulfs me tightly. I felt safe in her arms. From myself, the world. As long as she's there, I'll be okay.

"I'm so proud of you. Remember you can always call me." She smiles up at me

I'm proud of me too. Learning to go against those torturing demons. They said nothing. For once it's me who's in control. It felt nice.

"I hope you're hungry, today I got sardines with me."

"You like wet fish?"

"Well if that's the way you put it then yes."

She pops open the can and removed the bone. She offered the dripping fish to me and I ate it skeptically. It actually wasn't half bad. Who knew wet fish was good? We finished up the rest of can. My room smelt like a fish shack but ain't  noting a little Frebreeze can't do.

Andrea then pulls out a pack of Uno  cards. She deals us both in and the game began. I placed a blue 9 over her red one, making her upset. Something tells me she had a lot of reds. She now smacks down a skip card and a 3. I made her draw 4 cards and changed the color to green. The game continued to we both were down to one card.













"Uno... Uno out."

I won. Andrea looked at the cards dumbfounded. Just so she didn't feel bad, I tried to not make a big deal out of it. Even though she looks so adorable confused.

"I don't understand? How?"

"It's just a stupid game." I shrugged

She puts the cards away and sat closer to me. Whether she knew it or not but I really grown to enjoy her company. With Andrea, I can be myself and not what everyone wants me to be. She's starting to have an effect on me.

And maybe that's a good.



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