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I want to be happy but something inside me screams that I don't deserve it~ White soul


I don't know how I got home yesterday but I was in my bedroom when I woke up. All I could remember is that Andrea. She saw me at my weakening point. That was my first time crying since forever.

I'm still hungover from a downing all those beers. My stomach turns while my head was being abused by bricks. Coffee did not one thing. Now I had to walk around all day feeling and looking like a zombie.

Pushing the grey beanie further on my head, my feet dragged me to third period. Surprisingly I'm going to class. Probably just because it's my aunt's class. Plus I could always go to sleep and get away with it. But that didn't mean she wouldn't snitch about it to my parents.

"You're late Mr. Kings."

"Sue me." I said bluntly

She than began to talk and talk. I stopped listening the moment she started. Nothing she said mattered to me. I'm here to sit down for a few minutes and leave. All there is to it.

Sleep began to take over me as the coolness of the desk was under my fingertips. I didn't try to fight it. I was tired as hell.

Class ended an hour ago. Aunt Willa excused me from another detention. She doesn't have to cut me slack just because she's family or maybe it's because the Kings have a high reputation and if one single thing got out, people will loose respect for us. I never asked for things to be this way, it was already in place. People worshipped my parents as if they were gods.

I took a few more hits of my blunt while the majority of the school invaded the cafeteria. I can't see how people eat their nasty food, especially the pizza. Such a disgrace to Papa John's. My stomach grumbles, begging for mercy. I admit that I'm hungry but don't have the energy to move. This cigarette would just have to do.

"How about you come consume  something that's actually good for you?"

I turned to the voice. What's this girl's problem. Stalker much. Did she not take the hint that I wanted to be left alone?

"Look I don't if it's money you want but could you please go away. I'm not in the mood."

"I don't want your money. How come you're never in lunch, you have to be hungry."

"Actually I'm not." My stomach said other wise

She then smirks. Would I love to slap it off. Sadly she's a girl.

"You sure? Come on it's not that bad. Even if you don't like the food, I'll just share mines." She now smiles

"Why are you being nice?"

"Because everyone needs a friend I wanted to be yours."

Hold on, pause. This girl hardly knows me and now she wants to be my friend. What's in it for her? Grow close to me, know everything about my personal life, and use it against me. Do I look dumb?

"Come on, lunch is over in 20 minutes."

She pulled on my arm. I winced silently and let her drag me into that place they call school. This girl has a tight grip.

The moment I stepped in, the whole cafeteria looked at us. I'm already regretting this but with firm grip on my arm, I stayed in place. She then moves us to the back table where no one was sitting. Everyone continued with their conversations. Probably about why I was here. Can't blame them. I never showed up here once but now all of sudden. I'd  question me too.

"Okay, I have two sandwich and some chips. But I'll have to buy our drinks. What do you want?"


She beams and happily skips off. That girl has seriously been drinking unicorn glitter. Definitely could pass her off as drunk. She then comes back, handing me a cool bottle of water.

"Are you going to eat?"

"You made a second sandwich on purpose didn't you?"

"What if I did?" She challenged

I sighed and bit into it. Just a regular ham and cheese sandwich with mayo and lettuce. Simple but delicious. Within seconds, my sandwich was gone. I tried not to stare at hers greedily. I guessed she noticed and pushed it over to me. I ate it with no hesitation.

"And you said you weren't hungry." She teased

A small smile danced at my lips surprised me. Did I Sherman Arnold Kings just smile.

'Shut up' I mumbled

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