Daniel and Hannah were standing there in the middle of her bedroom holding each other in a lover's embrace, her head resting on his chest, eyes shut, and his chin resting on the top of her head. They looked so cute together, and absolutely perfect, her with her mass of curly, brown hair and pale skin, and him with his light-gold skin and dirty-blonde hair. They looked like one of those couples the master painters used to paint. You know, back when they were alive and all that.

As I watched the two of them silently embracing I felt my heart break to a million pieces. Just looking at them it was so obvious that they liked each - hell, they looked like they love each other! My heart broke further as I saw a tear fall from Daniels face as the two pulled back, and Hannah's eyes were full of tears. Some of her tears fell as I watched and Daniel silently wiped them away with his thumb and gave her a small smile which she returned, but more tears fell.

"shh. shh, it's okay Hannah, it's okay. We knew this would happen one day." Daniel muttered sadly to Hannah as he wiped the tears away, and she sniffled.

"yes, but .. but I never thought that.. I mean .. I'd always hoped that we could have been mates. " she said through her tears.

"Han.. we always knew that we wouldn't be. Your destined for someone else, and we knew I was to. We never could have been together forever."

"I know, but I still hoped" she whispered so sadly that I wanted to cry for her.

Daniel looked at her so sweetly that I felt my heart constrict in my throat, and he pulled Hannah against his chest again as a fresh wave of tears overcame her. My instinct as her best-friend was to run in there and comfort her myself, but the larger part of me was angry and heart-broken.

I didn't realise I’d been backing away until I bumped into the banister in the hallway. Without a glance back I ran so fast I almost flew down the stairs and out of her house into the woods opposite. It was only when I ran through a clearing a long way away from Hannah's house that I realised I ran through the front door, so they would know that someone else had been in the house with them. By then my chest felt so tight that I collapsed from the pressure, and I was panting and sobbing, caught between feeling invincible and wanting to kill someone or something, and feeling so weak I want to curl up and cry a puddle of tears.

I can't believe I was so stupid as to trust him, and I can't believe Hannah never told me about them! I don't know what hurt more - knowing that my mate was in love with my best friend, or that she'd never told me this. I told her everything, literally everything. She knows about all the guys I’ve dated, about every silly thing I’ve thought of, every odd feeling, or random urge. I've told her my most painful memories and my deepest secrets, yet she'd never told me this? I thought we shared everything, the three of us, best friends forever.. At least I still have Matty.

Matty .. 

I blinked away the tears and rose from my knees until I was standing. I swiped at any remaining tears on my cheeks, and after quickly getting my bearings I ran off. It took me about twenty minutes to reach Matty's house, but once I got to his front door I froze. What am I meant to say? After what happened at school earlier, and my reaction .. oh my goddess, what am I thinking, I shouldn’t be here ..

The Nerd rejecting her Alpha Mate (Incomplete & Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now