Chapter ten

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Waiting outside the principals office for Matty was pure torture for me, not in the least because Alpha-to-be Daniel was STILL HERE! I'd pleaded with the nurse, and I’d even let her check my head and temp and other nursey stuff without freaking, but she was still worried I have a concussion, so in return of letting me go back to classes, I have to have someone with me at all times. Betcha can't guess who the only person available at the moment is. Yeah, Daniel.

I mean Alpha... Well, Alpha-to-be. Goddess, this is so annoying! I know I should be respectful and call him Alpha or something, but he isn't yet, so what'm I meant tah call him? Alpha-to-be seems best, or maybe Alpha Junior, but that just seems so formal. Come on, this is high school people! No way am I going to go around and call him Alpha Junior all the time, cause I’d just bore myself crazy! Well, crazier. I let out a little chuckle and had a mini heart-attack when I suddenly felt someone’s arms wrap around my waist, and I knew from the tingles spreading from my stomach who it was.

“What the.. Daniel? Lemme … Lemme go” wow, you really sounded convincing there Kennie, I thought sarcastically to myself. Daniel let out a chuckle from behind me and I loved the rich, warm sound of it, like melted chocolate. Mmm, I love chocolate...

Daniel nuzzled into my neck from behind and I giggled lightly. I could feel the smile on his lips as he softly kissed up and down my neck, then he nibbled my neck gently just above the collarbone and I let out a soft moan. He continued kissing up my neck, nibbling softly at random points, and when he reached my jaw he kissed slowly down that too, until he reached my lips. Slowly, as if waiting for me to protest, he kissed the corner of my mouth, then the side. My heart was thudding against my chest and it was as if all the air had left the room and all there was was him; his scent, his touch...

I turned my head and looked at him, searching his eyes for understanding, but he just looked down at me with such a sweet expression that my heart squeezed in my chest, and a happy smile lifted my lips. His gaze switched from my eyes to my lips, and then his lips were upon mine. I closed my eyes and leaned into the kiss and he was kissing me so sweetly that I felt my heart ache.

“Ahem!” I jumped about a foot and accidentally head-butted Daniel, who clutched his forehead. He looked like he had brain-freeze and I giggled at the thought, causing him to glare at me. I stuck my tongue out at him and turned around to face whoever had coughed with a laugh. My smile widened when I saw it was Matty and I rushed forwards to hug him. Matty caught me and looked surprised for a second, causing me to laugh again, but then he laughed with me and returned the hug. The hug only lasted a couple seconds before I was pulled out of Matty's arms and pressed against someone's chest. I instantly recognized the mouth-watering scent as Daniel's and I snuggled closer against him.

I babbled silently to myself about nothing as I heard Daniel growl at Matty and I just sighed, leaning in closer to Daniel. Normally I don't have much interest for guy's bodies, caring more about what their personality is – cause no matter how hot a guy is, if he's a bore he just ain't worth it – but it actually felt... nice, being this close to Daniel, and I blushed as I wondered how great his body would look if he was naked. I coughed and pushed myself away from Daniel, glancing only quickly at Matty, who was looking at me with a weird mixture of hurt, anger and amusement.

What've I done now? I wondered briefly to myself as the anger and hurt registered, but I pushed it to the back of my mind. I was very aware that my face was still a bright red as I turned back to face Daniel, who was looking at me smugly. He reached for my hand and I felt my face heat up even more at the sweet contact. I coughed to clear my throat, and looked into his beautiful, soft-blue eyes.

“Daniel, d'ya think you could.. I mean, could you... Can you leave us for a minute? I kinda need tah talk tah Matty. In private.” please don't be mad , I added silently. I dunno why, but I was suddenly shy around him. Any other person – guy or not - and I can yell orders as I like, but I felt timid even asking Daniel this little favour.Grr, dammit! If this is that stupid Mate shit in work then I am NOT liking it!

I guess I expected Daniel to get angry or something, but maybe being all shy and sweet worked? Meh, how'm I to know? Anyway, all that happened was Daniel looked between me and Matty – who was silently glaring holes into the wall – and then he smiled sweetly down at me.

“Sure” he said to me, then he turned to Matty. “You make sure she's okay, alright? And someone has to stay with her at all times. Nurse's orders.” Daniel turned and grinned crookedly at me then, and I laughed softly. He gave me one soft kiss before he smiled at us and left. I let out a happy sigh as I watched him leave, then I turned back to Matty, who was now glaring holes into his shoes. I sighed again, more troubled this time, and grabbed Matty's wrist and started walking.

I didn't stop walking until we reached the bleachers by the football field. I let go of Matty's wrist and leant against the side of the bleachers and crossed my arms over my chest. I let my gaze wander over to the field for a few minutes, where a bunch of guys were practising football. Only a couple were any good, the rest of them sucked. Harsh, but true. I roughly blew out a deep breath and turned my head to look at Matty, who was leaning against the bleachers on the other side of me to the football pitch. He wasn't glaring anymore, but now he just looked sad and tired.

“Matty, what's wrong?” I asked him softly. He shook his head and looked away to his right. “Please, Matty. You can always tell me anything, you know that. We've been Besties for years, and I hope that whatever it is, you can talk to me about it. Remember, a problem shared is a -”

“Is a problem halved. Yeah, yeah, I know.” I could basically hear his eye-roll, and I poked him sharply in the ribs. He turned to me with his mouth open in mock-hurt as he dramatically clutched his side. I rolled my eyes this time and gently shoved him. He laughed at me and lightly poked my arm, and laughed again when I tried to swat at him but missed, and I pouted and turned to face the football pitch again. I felt Matty's warm hand under my chin and he turned me to face him. His face was full of indecision and I stopped pouting and dropped my arms.

“Kennie, I.. I dunno how to... I just ...” He sighed and dropped his hand from my chin, and turned as if to leave, but I grabbed his sleeve. He turned his head slightly and looked over his shoulder at me.

“Matty, please. I know.. Well, I get that it's hard to tell me, but please, tell me. I want to help you, but I can't if you don't tell me what the problem is.” I looked up at him pleadingly and he turned back to face me, his eyes softening as he looked at me. He cupped my face with his hands and lowered his head to mine.

“This is my problem” He whispered to me just before he pressed his lips against mine.


Mwahahahaha!! Feelings evil so stopping it here >) D'ya like?? I know i haven't gotten tah the rejction yet, but i don't just want her to reject him for no reason, so am buildings up tah it :P Please vote, comment and enjoy :D

Happeh reading / writing :D x

The Nerd rejecting her Alpha Mate (Incomplete & Unedited)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora