chapter fourteen.

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you came for fluff but instead, you got this dramatic ass excuse of a plot. i only give y'all the best((i say as i keep the good fics to myself bc this is pretty shitty sorry))!!

the end draws closer,,

i feel like this book has gone by too fast? i might add in random fillers? idk man fifteen chapters just don't sound right.

anyways, im back at this with a pre-written chapter that i did when my mom took away my laptop sometime last week?? yeah idk 

before you start, please leave a vote and fasten your seatbelts!

here's a chapter, take it straight


lol who am i kidding there's nothing straight on my profile



There was black colliding with black before Jimin's eyes. The sky and the sea had come together seamlessly, and Jimin could only tell them apart from the stars that littered the space above, whereas the other blankness beneath it was just bare. 

As one towered in silence, the other roared from below. 

Jimin faced the sea. The mist that dotted his cheeks were calming touches, sent from the harsh waves below. White foam marbled the black jagged waters, ever-changing and shifting. Just like Jimin. 

The sea called for him.

Or, rather, the peace beneath its surface. Although it looked so harsh from above, Jimin knew he would find silence below the cold waters. At least, there wouldn't be anyone else there.

No one to fuck with his feelings.

The only area of warmth in the frigid air was the small spot in front of Jimin's quivering lips, exhaling small breaths of pure terror. He wasn't ready. But the promise of silence and isolation and peace was...

so tempting.

Eyes void of whatever emotions were left in him, Jimin stepped towards the ledge, eyes rapidly adjusting to the darkness. The faint outline of stone stood out against the sea, letting him know that his final step was only a few feet away. Even now, even after going all this way and being so close, a part of him ached and he was still so unsure.

Jimin looked up at the sky and was greeted by a silver moon, leering down at him. This was where Yoongi had taken him. This is where Yoongi pulled out the stupid oranges, a bad attempt at being poetic, and threw them into the sea to mark it their place. This was where Yoongi kissed him under the sun and the stars both, stealing his first kiss. 

The same Yoongi that had Hoseok over not so long after their shared kiss, probably fucking like rabbits or something. 

What Yoongi didn't know at the time was that he probably stole Jimin's probable last kiss too. 

Jimin felt so cold and lonely, like no one in the world could reach him at that moment, except for someone could. Just not who he would expect.

"What are you waiting for?" 

The voice was crackly, like a crumpled newspaper unfurling in a fireplace, dying as the flames licked it up and then swallowed it whole. It was a dying voice that hadn't spoken in a decade, much like his own.

orange | yoonmin ✔️Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ