I. The Fallen Queen Bitch

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I did everything I can to grab his attention - even if it means sleeping around with all of his friends to make him jealous.

No matter what I did, he refused to turn his attention towards me.

Probably not the smartest plan.

So, I threatened Mina during our junior year.

It worked.

Mina left town.

Never once did I expect nearly twenty years later, she would return and they would reunite on top of my bed.

They reunited all right, reunited with his dick shoved inside her pussy.

Twenty years and I wasn't able to get pregnant, yet with a single pump - she got knocked up.

Now, here I am - sitting in the dirty streets of Chicago holding a single sheet of paper. Luke divorce me the moment he found out Mina was pregnant. He didn't even bash a single lash when he threw down a blank check telling me to write any number I want.

Twenty years together and Luke became a successful businessman. Although it's not a surprise, everyone knew Luke was a smart guy who will go somewhere one day.

The pitter-patter of the rain-soaked every single inch of my body - I love the rain; I always have - until now. The sky is grey, reflecting my mood. Everyone began rushing indoors as I continued sitting there, gazing at the steady stream of water floating across my toes, washing towards my high heels.

I must look like a crazy lady.

I clenched the phone in my hands, but there was no one to call. My parents indirectly disowned me when I decided to run away to be with Luke. My brother stopped talking to me when I slapped his wife for cheating on him.

He didn't believe me.

He believes her.

No one listens to the black sheep of the family.

My best friend, I don't even have a single friend, forget a best friend.

I realized that when Luke decided to divorce me. The so-called wealthy wives around me began avoiding me like I'm a plague.

Out of complete silence, the cry arose. Slow and gentle, but it rose to a wail that squeezed my chest. When it hit my ears, I fell to my knees as I threw my face over my hands, releasing the single sheet of paper. I felt a weight of sorrow press me into the cement in which I knelt. My mind clouded with pain; my heart grew cold and numb with pent up emotion. All I could do was cry.

I lost everything.

At that moment, I couldn't blame anyone except myself.

I was the reason for my demise.

The old saying was entirely correct - what goes around, comes around.

Shoving my hand inside the purse, I grab the pack of cigarettes. The ones that always lay at the bottom of my bag, never touched, bringing only content. I quit smoking believing it was a vulgar action not practiced by a high-class woman, but I always held onto it - perhaps for days like this. Placing a single cigarette between my lip, I reach for the lighter and attempt to light it only to find sparks.

I threw the cigarette down, "Fuck!"

Gathering myself up, unsteadily, I walked across the street. Each step felt heavy, filled with a heavy burden as I wrapped my arms around my trembling body. Standing there, I clenched my toes towards the cement, feeling a sudden warm sensation.

A blazing honk caught my attention, and I twisted my body to see a bright light. My eyes expanded while my body froze as it came closer. The wheels burnt the air while my lungs stopped functioning.

To My Future Cheating HusbandDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora