Chapter 24. Stay away

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We all went into town and searched every building and every park, still nothing. The more we look the more worried I get. I can't feel him anymore, like our connection is shut off.

We tried communicating with him but there was no response, which I find weird. He should be able to do it, I told Latavia that he is not responding on purpose but why? She thinks I am crazy and says why would he not want us to find him? I can't help but think that their is a reason for his decision, maybe he is sick of us? No he seemed happy. Maybe he got kidnapped by a psycho? I am really worried about him.

"Where could he be?"

"I am really worried about him." Anastasia says with tears filling her eyes.

"We are going find him Anastasia."Latavia says.

We decide to continue the search tomorrow. We walk home and I notice a park by our home that we used to go to. I remember on the days Latavia and Tre would visit we would play here. Tre loved it here because we would all be having fun together. Maybe he came here? He couldn't have went far after the argument. He must have came here for fresh air. But where could he have gone afterwards? We searched here really quick but still nothing.

"Wait do you smell that?" Anastasia says.

"What? I don't smell anything."

"I smell Tre, he did put on a super strong cologne that I told him was a bit too loud but he loves it." She says while smiling at the memory.

She is right I smell that stinky cologne now. I also smell this sweet but toxic smell. I can't describe it, it smells like flowers, vanilla and chemicals.

"Stasia, I smell that disgusting sleep drug." Michael says.

"Does it smell like chemicals or toxins?"

"Yeah, only those who are the darkest species have the power to release these toxins to any prey."

"What are they called?"

"I don't know but they are rare."

"Oh no! What if he took Tre!"Jay says.

"Not he, it must be a woman. She must have worn a perfume that smelled like vanilla and flowers." Latavia sniffs the air looks up shocked.

"It's Her!" She screams.


"The woman that molested Tre. She always wore that perfume. Every time     I smell anything relating to those smells I want to throw up." Latavia says.

"How did she find him?"

"I don't know but we need to try to communicate with him again. Do whatever it takes to hear his voice."Latavia says.

Me and Latavia close our eyes and enter a black space filled with darkness, we are the light. We beg Tre to talk to us but still nothing.

"Tre please speak to us. We know who has you, we want to protect you and save you." Latavia says

"Please Tre we are worried."

We see a small light appear and its Tre. We run up to him and he holds us so tight.

"Where are you?"

"Are you okay?"Latavia asks.

"What did she do to you?!"

"She finally left me alone and I am currently pretending to sleep. This will be the only and last time you will contact me or she will know. She is very powerful. Now listen, you can't find me. Or she will get someone to hurt you and I can't let that happen. I love you both very much."

"We can't let you stay with her. We can defeat her!"

"Vinci you don't even know how to use your powers fully. Once you have practice and have the basis to defeat enemies. Then come find." After that he   hugs us and leaves.

Me and Latavia open our eyes and immediately start crying.

"What happened? Did he speak to you?" Anastasia says.

"He did and I need to train. But by who, no one has as many powers as me?"

"We will go in the necklace and get all of the ancestors to teach you one skill."Latavia says.

"Okay lets go."

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