Chapter 13

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I know it has been a very long time and I'm sorry, but here is a new chapter for you.

I had my first set of uni exams and I feel quite good about 2 of them and very bad about the other 2. 1 of the exams I feel bad about won't effect whether or not I fail so that's good because I'm fairly sure I passed the course, but the other 1 I think I maybe got enough to pass the course but I will probably still have to resit it. :-(


"If you are really sorry for what you did, Niall will forgive you," Zayn stated as we both packed our bags in the morning, getting ready to go to Melbourne.

"Will he though?" I sighed, picking up my hand bag ready to leave.

Zayn nodded, "He likes you a lot."

"I need to find a way to apologise to him," I replied.

"As long as he knows how sorry you are. You are sorry, right?" he asked.

"Of course I am! At first it was just a fun job, but then we started hanging out and I actually started to like him," I explained. "I need to find a way to tell or show him that."

"You spend today focusing on that, but for now we need to get to the airport," Zayn replied.


There was only a small group of fans at the airport at the Sydney airport so the boys were able to stop for photos while I walked along behind them while their security stood back and watched them. I sat in silence next to Harry on the plane because he seemed to be able to tolerate me a little bit more than the others. When we arrived in Melbourne, however, news that One Direction were on their way had spread quickly and hundreds of fans were waiting. Due to the large number of fans, they weren't able to stop and takes photos and sign autographs so we took a different exit.

The weather in Melbourne was a bit chillier than Sydney so I decided to wear black tights, a blue long-sleeved dress and black flats to the concert.

"There was some other VIP guest that was supposed to come tonight but isn't so there's a free seat next to you at the concert," Zayn told me before the boys left to go to sound check. I was sharing a room with him again at the hotel. "We'll see you later."

I had absolutely nothing to do during the day while they were doing sound check, so I wasted it in the hotel room watching TV.

About 2 hours before the concert started I decided it was time to leave. I packed my phone, money, hotel room key and chapstick into my handbag and made my way down to the lobby. I didn't want to ask a driver to take me to the concert because now it made me feel like I was taking advantage of Niall, so I asked to public transport information at the service desk. Due to the arena not being too far away, the bus ride was free so I didn't have to buy a ticket.

When I arrived at the concert there were a lot less girls than I thought waiting to get inside. There were three doors to go in so I made my way towards the only one with a guard with the VIP list. Not wanting to actually stand around in the line yet, I walked to the side of the line/mob that was gathering to sit cross-legged against the wall.

Not having anything to distract me now, thoughts of Niall filled my mind. I had to find a way to apologise that would show him how extremely sorry I was for what I had done.

I stared at the ground with my arms crossed thinking of a way to make it up to him when I was interrupted.

"Are you okay?" a pair of Converse shoes came into my line of vision, "Is the crowd making you claustrophobic or something?"

I looked up to see a girl with dark blonde hair wearing light blue jeans and a plain white t-shirt looking down on me.

"No it's not the crowd, I'm fine," I replied with a weak smile.

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