He let out a sigh of relief but carried on waiting. Then footsteps ran up the stairs and the door flew open to reveal his mum. On instinct, she cupped a hand over her mouth in disbelief then let out a sob as she rushed to hug him. Sam was also teary as he leant over to wrap his arms around her tiny frame. She sniffed into his shoulder. She looked more fragile than he remembered.

"Mum, I-"
"Save it!" His mum pulled back, and although she was relieved to see him... she also looked mad beyond belief "what were you thinking, Sammy?!" Her voice cracked as she held his shoulders an arms length away from herself and kept their eyes locked.

"Do you have any idea how worried I've been? As if being arrested wasn't bad enough, now you're running from the law!" She shook her head then pulled him in for another hug. Sam took her silence as his chance to speak.
"I-" an apology wouldn't be enough, but it was all he could give "I'm sorry..."

She tutted and ran a hand through her thinning hair. Sam took in her appearance. She had noticeable bags under her eyes, although they were more prominent than they used to be. Her face showed stress and her body posture seemed tensed. Her hair was past her shoulders rather than cut in its usual bob, indicating that she had been neglecting to go to the hairdressers. Sam bit his lip.

"But, I'm fine, see!" He spun on the spot and his mum cracked a small smile. She sniffed and ran the sleeve of her pink jumper under her nose. She looked to Noah, who was stood awkwardly behind Sam, fiddling with the hem of his hoodie.
"You better be watching out for my boy" she said to him, eyes narrowed.

Noah nodded "always", which caused Sam to groan.
"Mum I'm twenty-one, I can watch out for myself, Christ!"

His mum then cupped his cheek with her palm and stroked her thumb under his eye (the signs of lack-of-sleep were also showing on him, as dark circles were prominent under each of his eyes).
"I know, but you know me Sam - I worry" she said "I worried about Nathan, and look what happened!" She sighed loudly.

Sam stayed quiet after that. Honestly, he fumed at even the thought of Nathan after all he had put him through. But then if it wasn't for him... Sam wouldn't have met Noah. So in a way Nathan had sort of helped him? Kinda? Oh well. Sam decided not to think about it.

But one thing was for certain. He did love Noah, and quite frankly he wouldn't have his life any other way.


"So, how come you're ginger now?"

The five of them were once again sat in the living room (albeit slightly awkwardly) and Evan had taken the opportunity to make fun of Sam, as he usually did. Sam groaned loudly and pulled his hood up.

"It was meant to be brown!" He put his head on his hands, elbows resting on his knees. Noah laughed from next to him and patted his shoulder.
"Oh, why would you do that Sam? Your hair's lovely!" His mum spoke up, seemingly forever nagging him. Sam waved his hand in a gesture to move the conversation ahead.

"Lets change the topic now" he said. He was glad to be back home, with his usual family bantering. Although he knew he'd have to leave the next day. They had to keep moving.

Suddenly, he had an idea and lit up.
"How about I make some of my famous pancakes tomorrow?" He smirked, wrapping an arm around Noah's shoulders, surprising him "Noah here hasn't had the privilege of trying them"

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