Chapter 5: The Beast Inside Me

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Jordan shot up in bed. He was covered in sweat and heavily panting. Wait... panting? Jordan had decided to ignore it, since he was still trying to comprehend what he had just seen. He checked his arm, but saw no burn marks.

"It was only a dream." He sighed. He was still stuck in a cold sweat, until a yell from upstairs caught his attention. He checked his watch.

2:00 AM.

He groggily got out of bed and walked up the stairs, resenting every step. His body was in constant pain since the scratch. Jordan stopped at his door. His senses seemed a bit, sharper, then usual. He sniffed at the air, not realizing as he did it, and instantly knew who had screamed. It was Cierra. He burst through the basement door just as Issac and Bethany were running down the stairs.

"Cier..." Jordan stopped as he realized what she was looking at. There was a trail of blood running from their front door, to right in front of his door. The blood trail had indicated that the... the deer, at his feet had been dragged there. Jordan looked down at it, but instead of horror, felt his mouth start to water. "Fresh meat..." He thought. He shook his head and stepped back. "What am I thinking?!"  While Jordan tried to collect his thoughts, Bethany was on the phone calling the police. As Jordan looked down again, he noticed something peeking out from inside one of the cuts on the deer. He went to grab it, and flinched as his hand met with some of the animal's still warm blood. His siblings were too distracted trying to figure out how it had gotten in there to see him pull out a small, bloodstained envilope. It read,

"Dear Hoodie,

You got away! Or should I say, I Let  you get away. You're skilled. But that scratch was really all I needed. You'll understand soon enough. I don't have much time left, I'm sure you found my little, PRESENT. Enjoy your time while it lasts!

                                                                                                                                       —J H"

Jordan ran back into his room, and hid the letter. "Who's J H?!" He quietly yelled at himself. Jordan's mind swirled with questions, and he was going to get answers.

(Heeeeey..... it's been a while. This chapter is pretty short, but I needed to update for you guys! I'm working on the next one right now, and it'll be out soon!)

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