Chapter 26-Planning?(Edited)

Start from the beginning

"So you're gonna give her a baby shower and want me to not tell her, alright I will not tell her," I said as mum looked at me shocked.

"What she's pregnant and you want me to keep her distracted as you are gonna do something for her, it's obviously gonna be a baby shower," I said to mum whilst shrugging my shoulders.

"Okay forget about that come on bring Aali downstairs for her daily dose of fruits and salads for breakfast," Mum said as I smiled knowing what Aali's reaction is going to be.

I hugged my mum and turned around as she started to head downstairs as I opened the door and found Aali moving away from the door and trying to look like she didn't ease dropping on our conversation.

Aaliya's POV

"She can't know about it alright?" I heard mum say to Amir. What is she on about, why can I not know about it? I thought as I started to walk away from the door. Just as I was walking away from the door, Amir entered looking at me like I'm guilty of ease dropping. Well, I am but it's only one sentence that doesn't count right?

"Were you listening to our conversation?" he asked me whilst slowly taking steps towards me as I tried looking for Amira. Where is the girl when you need her? I asked my self as my eyes roamed around our bedroom until they landed on her and guess what? She was asleep.

"No I wasn't ease dropping," I stated as he came and stopped in front of my searching my eyes for the truth as I squirmed under his intense gaze.

"Okay, come downstairs for your daily dose of healthy breakfast," he said as I instantly frowned.

"Why do I have to eat fruit every day, my babies are gonna be fine and healthy in sha Allah," I said as I groaned, walking down the stairs together. I mean don't get me wrong I love eating different types of fruits and salad but every single freaking day it gets annoying.

Amir laughed and just placed his hand on my bulging stomach and guided me to the dining room where everybody was seated eating their breakfast.

My eyes looked over the various bowls of fruits and salads as frown made its way onto my face and I puffed out my cheeks to show my anger as mum looked at me and bursts out laughing. Soon everybody was laughing apart from me.

"Wait until you guys are pregnant, watch what I will do to you guys then," I threatened Safina and Simra whilst pointing at them as they stopped laughing instantly, as I smiled in triumph.

I slowly sat down in the same chair that I sit in every day and looked at mum wondering what she was talking about with Amir and what were they planning. But I ignored all of that and decided to eat all this fruit without complaining because at least I have food to eat.

"Mom when can I eat normal food like pancakes, even my babies are fed up with all this fruit and salad,"I said a bit annoyed as mom just started laughing.

"Mum seriously I love being healthy but not this healthy eating the same things every day," I said whilst crossing my arms over my chest and puffing up my cheeks whilst turning my head in the other direction.

Seriously, it's not funny my babies are gonna be completely healthy in sha Allah. I quickly finished off eating my breakfast and stood up to put my dishes in the sink.

"No mum, we can't tell Aali what we are planning," I heard Safina say to her mum as I felt something weird in my stomach and realized that it was coming from the left side of my stomach and realized one of my babies is kicking, I started to panic as this has never happened before where only one of my babies kicks and not the other baby.

I walked into the living room and sat down quietly as Amir looked at me questioning and I just smiled at him, a couple minutes later dad came up to me with his hands behind his back and sat on the left side of me.

"I know that you hate eating fruit every morning so don't tell mum okay?" He asked me as he pulled out TWO galaxy bars out from behind his back.

"Oh my thank you so much dad, I love you!" I screamed as I hugged him and turned around to face Amir as I stuck my tongue out at him as he laughed at my childish behaviour.

"HA ha, dad loves me more than you!" I screamed at Amir as I munched on my chocolate before realizing that mom walked in the door.

I quickly jumped on the sofa and placed the chocolate behind my back making sure she doesn't see but it was too late. She already saw it and was moving towards me at an extremely fast pace.

Just as she came up to me and stood in front of me both my babies kicked at the same time sending an uncontrollable amount of pain through my body, that I tried my best to hide.

"What did you just put under your back?" Mom asked me as everybody which was dad, Amir, Subhan, Safina and Simra looked at me waiting for me to speak.

"It is absolutely nothing my dearest mother," I replied trying to flatter her whilst I pouted at her, trying to hide the pain I was feeling which had slowly faded.

"Nice try but it isn't gonna work on me darling, now move", she said as I shook my head and didn't budge.

Everybody looked at me like I was crazy and I just shrugged my shoulders at them, what..?? No one comes between me and my chocolate. Just then the doorbell rang as mom gave me a death glare and walked towards the door.

"This isn't over," she threatened as she walked out of the living room and went to open the door. Dad came up to me and we shared a high five as we burst out laughing. Just then ammi, abbu, Ameena, Aleena and Amar came through the door wondering what the hell is going on.

I stood up and went to meet everyone and hugged them but that was a mistake.

"As-salaam wa alaikum, how are you Aali? How's the babies?" mum asked me as she put her hand on my stomach, smiling at me.

"So do you guys know if they are girls or boys?" Amar asked me with eagerness, I wonder why.

"I don't know but Amar and I want it to be a surprise", I said as his eagerness died down, as everybody started to frown. What's wrong with everyone? They are acting all weird today and lately.

Amar saw my chocolate that was laying on the sofa behind the cushion and he reached for them.

"NOOOOO!" I screamed as everybody looked at me shocked.

"They are my chocolates!" I screamed at him as I ran at him and try snatching my chocolate bars off of him but failed with him being way taller than me and me being pregnant, didn't help my case.

"Haha try getting them now," he taunted me as he ran around the living room with me chasing his tail as everybody laughed at me as I ignored the feeling and blush covering my cheeks. That's it I had enough of this and I ran as fast as my legs could carry me and carefully tackled him onto the sofa by pushing him down and jumped on top of him as Amir burst out laughing and tried to peel me off of my poor brother who was trying to breathe.

"Now give me my chocolate and I will get off of you otherwise prepare to stay here all day," I threatened him who just looked at me with wide eyes.

"Okay you can have your chocolate bars and I will leave you alone, women don't kill me. I feel sorry for Amir how does he deal with you?" he asked me as I just grabbed my chocolate bars and stood up backing away from me as I smiled and walked into the kitchen to have a glass of water.

"So how we gonna do this if we don't know what she is having?"  Ameena asked as I ignored what was going on and sat down waiting for what's going to happen. Little did I know what's gonna happen to me and my babies and if they will make it out alive.


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