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A/N: I know this is very shitty but I got two good one-shots in process that will hopefully make up for it.

Jason walked toward Nico's cabin that morning, he had lost his bracelet the other day and after looking everywhere in camp there was no other place it could be. Or maybe someone stole it, which wasn't unlikely at all. He walked up the dark wood steps but when his fist was about to knock on the door he heard voices inside. Now, Jason wasn't a nosy person, but he just wanted to make sure he wasn't interrupting anything. Like a mythomagic game. Nico would get pissed if he did, something about "losing his focus".

He pressed his ear against the door (and accommodated his glasses so it wasn't uncomfortable) and immediately recognized Nico's voice and what it seemed to be Will's. Jason didn't have any problem with the guy, he seemed like a pretty decent person and definitely brave, even borderline reckless when it came to the battlefield. But he couldn't help but feel a little wary about him, Nico has been through enough crap. He didn't want some guy to fuck him up even more.

"Come on, Nico. I promise it will make you feel so good." He hears Will say, what were they talking about?

"I don't know, it seems kinda weird." Nico mumbles.

"There's nothing to be afraid of, you just have to sit there and I'll do all the work." Nico snorted, Jason's confusion increased.

"You sure?"

"Positive." Will affirms. "I'm gonna put some cream in there, things might get a little sticky but it absolutely makes it better,"

Wait a minute.

Are they...

Nah, Nico wouldn't do that,


"Just go ahead and do it, Will."

Or maybe yes.

"GET YOUR HANDS OFF NICO!" Jason screams as he intrudes in the room.

"Uh, what?"

Has to admit, he was mentally prepared to see two naked dudes doing stuff that Jason never wanted to see with his own eyes. Instead, he found Nico laying on the bed, fully dressed and Will sitting by his feet.

"I— I thought... what's going on!?"

"Uh, Will's gonna give me a foot massage," Nico explains.

"It's one of the things that comes with being a medic, I can do killer massages," Will says with a proud smile.

"Oh," Jason says. "I– Uh. Sorry. Let's just forget this, yeah? Uh, have a nice massage!"


As he runs to his cabin he remembers he never got to look for his bracelet.


After lasts week's incident, Jason decided to not let his rotten mind change the perspective of things like that ever again. But as they sat on the dining pavilion Jason couldn't help but stare at the small purple mark on Nico's neck. It can't possibly be what he's thinking it is, he already learned his lesson. Nico and Will wouldn't do that. But...

"Nico, what's that on your neck?" He innocently asks.

"Uh" Nico blushes while trying to discretely cover the mark with his hair. "I don't know what you're talking about."


"Jason." He mocks.

Oh shit. "Is that a hickey!?"

"No!" The son of Hades screeches.


"Oh gods no" A mortified Nico mumbles, he knew he should've told Will to do it lower.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2018 ⏰

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