Nico's Tree

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Camp Half-Blood looked beautiful from Nico's tree (Well, it wasn't really his tree, but he loved being there and so he mentally named it after him). The sun was just starting to set and he could see all the demigods walking toward the campfire, he knew he should go. Will would be waiting for him and the marshmallows were to die for, but he kinda just wanted to stay here, hear the campers sing, see the sun set, be alone. Maybe being alone for so long made him used to solitude, and he did enjoy it. Sometimes. He just wasn't that sure if this was one of those times.

From under him he heard leaves falling and tired groans, Nico didn't need to look to know that certain mop of blonde hair was climbing the tree. Before he knew it, Will Solace was sitting next to him in the branch.

"You know" He said. "Your ability to find me is starting to creepy me out"

Will laughed, that laugh of his that sounded like thunder and wind. He loved it, it made some sort of him want to laugh too. "What can I say, Death Boy. It's a special ability of mine"

"Creep" He fake coughed, to which Will gently punched his arm.

One thing Nico loved about being friends with Will is that words weren't always necessary. They could just sit side by side in blissful silence for hours while enjoying each other's company, so that's how they spent the next minutes. Watching the glow of the campfire on the distance, hearing the gentle hum of the campers' songs. It was better than being alone, Nico decided.

"Why aren't you there?" Nico said after around half and hour.

Will shrugged. "I didn't want you to be alone," There was a beat of silence, and then he added "I wanted to be with you"

Nico frowned. "Stop that"

"Stop what?"

"Being so..." He made some weird gestures with his hands, hoping that they would be enough explanation. They weren't. "So you"

"Am I bothering you?" Will asked, concerned. Because of could he would. "If you really really wanted to be alone I can just—"

"No" Nico said a little too quickly. "Is not that, is how you're always so... caring. And like, so nice. An overall really nice person. Even me. It annoys me"

"It annoys you that I'm nice to you?" Will asked with a raised brow and a slight smirk becoming to form.

"Yes! Why would you do that!? It just.. it makes me feel.. ugh" He groaned and covered his now red face with his hands. What was he doing?

"No no no, please elaborate" Obnoxious Will said. Nico rolled his eyes.

"Like.... very nervous. Sometimes I'm even shaking. And breathless, on occasions I even get sweaty. And then my heart starts beating very fast and... it's you. Why!?" He groaned. "I hate it, I hate you" He declared untruthfully.

When he looked back at Will, he had this caring look on his eyes, Nico couldn't exactly describe it, but it made him feel all the things he had just listed, even the sweat. The blonde hooked his pinky finger with Nico's and moved a little closer to him on the branch. The sweat intensified, Nico hoped his pinky wouldn't get sticky.

He hummed as if he was thinking. "Well," Will started. "It seems that you have a bad case of Crushing-On-Me-itis" The Italian softly kicked him in the shin, this was too embarrassing. He could bet his face was redder than the strawberries in the field. "My recommendation is to go on a date with me, several if possible. And.. maybe be my boyfriend?"

Nico gasped out loud and looked at him with wide eyes. "Are–are you asking me out?"


Nico frowned, and then kissed Will on the cheek. The freckles boy's face reddened and a stupid smile appeared on his face.

"Wait, so that's a yes?"

"Shut up" Nico mumbled.

Will smiled, it was a yes.

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