25. Calum -Uhmm-

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Because of almost 600 sexy people are reading this, I want to say thank you. I can't really believe anyone would actually read these. It makes me happy that you would take time not reading a fricking amazing fic like 'Swapped Fate' or like maybe 'After' to read my crap..thanks:)...You guys are totally incredible.........I just wanted to put that out there:)

So...on to CalPal shall we?

Unedited....as always right?


Swiftly swinging your legs around his waist, you grabbed handfuls of his hair, latching on to his lips with yours. He held your thigh with one hand and cradled your face with the other.

You drew back, biting his bottom lip gently, which resulted in him softly groaning.

"Calum," you whispered in his ear, slighty massaging his earlobe with your tongue.

"I love you Y/N," Calum rasped out. You drew back and stared at him, looking deep into his muddy brown eyes, taking in the fact that those three meaningful words had seeped past his red swollen lips.

"I love you too Calum," you said and pushed him on to the wall. You let your legs fall from his waist, standing in front of him, pushing your hands under his shirt that looked like it had been attacked by moths, feeling the ridges and contours of his chest.

"So so much," you whispered as you pulled his shirt off and threw it somewhere behind you, not caring where it landed. You kissed the tip of his nose, noticing his cheeks held a deep crimson blush.

"Y/N, are you sure?" he asked, breathless and hopeful.

"Shut up Cal, and just kiss me."

Gasping, you sprung your body up into a sitting position.

"Y/N, are you okay?" your bestfriend Y/BF/N asked.

"I'm okay. It was just a dream," you said, your voice cracking.

"Then why are you crying?" she/he asked swiping away the tears you were unaware of that were falling.

"Because I want so bad for it to be real," you said and began sobbing.


So this is basically from a fan's point of view...I mean we all want that, but then we realize that were only just fans...I gotta stop cause I'm gonna cry if I keep thinking like that...Woah...So Ilysm guys:)

So please leave me feedback and please




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That's the same as feedback isn't it? *crickets chirp*




I'm a flippin genius guys-_-

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