24. Luke

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Sqenching your eyes, you rolled over and head-butted something hard.
You put your hands out and pushed and then you heard a rather large thump.
Your head snapped up from the soft pillow and you looked down to see Luke sprawled out on the ground with his hands cradeling his head.
You squealed and swung yourself off the bed to crouch in front of him. He groaned and lashed out with his hands grabbing you and pulling you down to sprawl across his chest.
"You frickin brat. Why'd you push me out of bed?" he said, brushing the hair out your face.
"I didn't mean to Luke," you said, grabbing his face and planting chaste kisses to his lips. You pulled back and stared at him.
"What do you mean 'brat'?" you asked.
"You took like all the bed, then you were like all on top of me, I mean I wasn't complaining, but then you pushed me off. Brat. No wait. More like selfish brat. But I love you. So that means you're my brat," he said, and rolled you both over so you were underneath him.
"Well I love you too," you said nuzzling your nose to his.
"So we'er both awake..."he drifted off.
"Let's take a shower. I feel dirty," you said, showering his face with kisses.
He pinned your arms down.
"That's cause you are dirty. Now let me clean you."


Hehe:) I slept until 5:00 in the afternoon...like really? Thank god I don't have a life or someone would have missed me.




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BYE BYE.....for now...*pedifile face*

Not edited bros:/

5 seconds of summer imaginesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora