21. He Talks to Your Unborn Baby

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You continued to rub your round belly, hoping to sooth the little one who kept kicking every few seconds.

"Michael, come here please," you yelled to your boyfri- sorry fiance. He proposed a week before you found out you were pregnant. He came in the room with a worried expression marring his face.

"Is it the baby?" he asked.

"He's kicking," you said. His face transformed into a look of amazement.

"Can I..." he dragged off.

"Of course. He's yours too," you said, laughing. He joined you on the bed and timidly put his hands on your stomach.

"This is crazy," he whispered as the kicking began again.

"Hey little guy. Your amazing kick boxing skills are hurting mommy. Can we tone it down for daddy?" he was saying to your belly.

"I think he's a daddy's boy," you said as the kicking died down. He kissed your stomach, and lifted up to place a gentle kiss on your lips.

"I hope so."


"Hey baby, if you can hear me, kick," Ashton was saying to your huge belly. You groaned as the kicking started again, but Ashton just started cheering and laughing.

"That's my girl. She's going to be an amazing drummer, I mean come on, you hear that beat?" he asked, proud.

"Uhm, no, but I can feel it," you said through gritted teeth. Ashton must have just picked up on your discomfort.

"Alright little lady, we'll have to finish this jam session later, mommy needs a rest," the kicking gradually stopped as Ashton was talking to her.

"Thank god," you breathed out.

"God, I can't wait until she's here," Ashton said before kissing you.


"Calum, they're kicking again," you shouted. He ran into room placing his palms on your belly.

"I don't feel anything. I guess they don't like me," Calum said, upset.

"They like you. Everytime your around talking, they start kicking," you said.

"Not now," he said, annoyed. You thought it was cute how he got mad about not being able to feel the babies. Just as he was finished talking, a huge round of kicks was issued.

"Finally," he said, happy. You looked at his eyes to see tears formed in them. He leaned down and pressed two gentle kisses on your stomach were the kicking was.

"I can't wait to meet you two. I'm so ready to have you guys with me in my arms," he said, with more soft kisses.


Luke was dragging his guitar pick across your huge belly, getting huge kicks from the baby.

"He likes me. He really likes me," he said with a weird facial expression. You laughed, but stopped when the baby delivered a sharp kick.

"Alright little guy. I love when you get playful, but your mom's tired. Love you," Luke whispered to your belly and pressed a kiss right under your belly button as the kicking stopped.


So...babies....Well...I'm going to take a nap. Wish me luck.




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