5. Luke Imagine for Kaylie

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I glanced at the time on my phone one more time. An hour. He was an hour late. I hastily swiped the warm tears that were streaming down my face away.

  It was our 1 year anniversary and he stood me up.

  I had taken extreme precautions to be ready for when he knocked on my door, but the well awaited knock never came.

I started to take the pins out of my hair, letting it fall in loose spirals, not caring if they got tangled together. I tried to reach the zipper on the back of my dress but yelled in frustration when I couldn't. It was a miracle that I zipped it up by myself in the first place (Thank you clothes hangers).

   I slumped on the floor with anger and hurt. I was just so confused. He seemed genuinely excited about what he had planned for us. How could he forget? Maybe something with the band came up. I kept trying to make excuses for his absence when I was startled by the tri-tone of my phone ringing. I didn't even look who it was before I answered.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hello dear, are you Kaylie?" asked a polite older women from the other line.

"Uhm, yes. That's me," I said, worried.

"Well, Ms. Kaylie, you're needed here at the hospital. There's a Mr. Hemmings asking for you. Dear boy got into a head on collision with another car. He's in critical condition, but he's pulling through. He's a fighter, he is," I started to sob. How could she be so calm about this.

I dropped my phone and ran outside into the pouring rain to my car. I started driving to the hospital. I couldn't really see all that well due to the fog on the windows, but everyone knew where it was because it was the only one we had. Once there, I shut of the car and got out, instantly becoming soaked by the down pour.

  Wrenching open the doors, I ran to the lady at the front desk.

"Where's Luke Hemmings at?" I gasped out.

  "Only immediate fami-" I interrupted her.

"Dammit, what fricking room number. I'm not going to wait and let him die in there. Either you tell me or I'll come back there and see for myself. Your choice. But either way, I'll see him," I said in a calm voice. I didn't have time to argue with this twat, I had to see him. He needed me.

The lady appeared frightened but she caved,"Rm 125," she reached out and grabbed my wrist.

"I admire your love's strength girl," and with that she let go and I ran.

I finally found the room and took a deep breath before pushing open the door. I gasped at what I saw.

  Luke didn't even look like Luke. His face had a deep purplish tint to it with red blotches everywhere, his leg was held up in a sling, and his arms had deep gashes in them held together by stitches.

I slowly stepped toward him and softly grazed his cheek with my finger, scared to add pressure and cause more pain.

"Kaylie?", his voice painfully croaked. I couldn't take it anymore. I let out a painful sob and slumped in the chair by his bed. Seeing him like this and knowing there was nothing I could do to help him shattered me.

"Yeah babe its me. I'm sorry this happened. I wish I could take your place," I chocked out. His swollen and bloodshot eyes landed on me and he tried to smile in reassurance but winced at the pain it caused to his split lip.

"Nope. Don't. Say. That,"he said, a pain filled gasp between each word.

"Shh you need to rest. I'm not leaving you. I love you so much. I'll never leave your side,"I whispered, softly running my fingers through his hair.

"Go. Look. On. That. Table,"he said, motioning with his head, then groaning as it jarred his leg.

I kissed his temple and walked over to the table. On it was a little black box and a note. I grabbed the note and saw it was a beautiful script, not Luke's chicken scratch.

"Nurse. Wrote. It,"he whimpered out.

Grabbing the box and letter I returned to his bedside.

"Shh babe. Rest please. I want you to sleep."

"Read. The. Note. First."

"Lucas. Even in critical condition you're sassy," but I began to read the note.

'Hey babe, didn't see ya there. I was thinking today of how much you mean to me. A lot. I want to see your face everyday I wake up. I want to listen to you complain about my underwear on the floor. I want to grow old with you and argue about whose dentures are whose. I want you to laugh at my horrible jokes every passing day. I want you to kiss me like it was our first time everytime. With that said, Will you marry me?"

I had tears in my streaming down my face at a rapid pace, but I leanex forward and gently kissed his lips.

  "Yes," I whispered.

"Good. Love. Ya."

"I love you so much more Luke."


I want a love like that. Well, maybe without the car crash. Who am I kidding, I can't even get a high five from a guy....Whateva:/

Here ya go Kaylie:)




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