chapter end - epilogue

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Continuing will spoil this book.. So ... How about it ends just right there ?

Here's a thing ( I greatly abhor happily ever afters )
And I fear it may lead to that... Or worse... more unexplained scenes .. 

.. Let me do some Magic.🙋



Lord Tom Hardy.          P.O.V

Its been a year since my unchosen world trembled. I've lost all that I had within. My hands have soaked themselves deep in human blood. I've finally been the greatest demon I've always prayed to be.

But now I'm highly interested in giving the devil a reflection .. That being me. And I started aiming this high when Olivia got kidnapped by Logan. Frankly everyone played a perfect role in testing my wrath because I kindly directed them to their rightful graves with either my barehand , dagger or an axe.

But I'll applaud them for their efforts. They really got me good with Olivia's kidnap. For her I was willing to lose the world and because I admitted that .. Lord Danforth took my royal earl position and gave it to Logan under my nose. Honestly I didn't want to kill them that quick but then my axe volunteered to fly through their skulls.

But I'm still uneasy , still unsatisfied cause I didn't get to kill Mark myself. Olivia did.

A saint such as her is still traumatized up until today and according to her it was a mistake. A mistake that I'm proud of , I just wish she felt the same way.

Its sad to admit the load of affection I have for Olivia cause no matter how beautiful she may be , how exuberant she may appear .. I just can't allow my thirsty heart to be tenacious over her. .. Just can't.

A lot has happened. Helen gave birth to twins. Very beautiful boys that got exposed to a harsh environment. When Helen came and begged for my help with her sick kids I refused and unfortunately the very morning after that they died. Helen got depressed then hung herself a week later.

I guess it's sad how everyone ended up dying cause even my own cousin Louis died in a plane crash after I ordered him to fly to Czech for some meeting.

Not everything was meant to end the way it did such as Nicola's and Rose's death .. The whole area of which they lived in got washed away by a crucial plague , killing about 50 individuals. ... That is by no doubt a sad story.

Though there's one. One of which can't die on my watch. One that just can't slip off.  Olivia.
Its befuddling how my demons love her so damn much but my good heart that bleeds for her just can't handle her. She seems too much , too much to handle , too much to even give a moment of thought about her.. So damn much its disgusting.

But worry not because that is how I felt everyday until yesterday morning. Even though I took a full year of keeping her away from me .. While making sure that no one talked to her , no one looked at her , no one breathed next you HER !!

Today morning I have her head on my chest , her maidenhood and the rest.


Better ending ? 👏

👻I enjoyed writing this book. Please share it with your humans and thank you for reading ...

New book coming soon 👻👐

You are such a special reader 😘. ... Can I keep you ? 😧

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