charter 22

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For about an hour I got isolated with nothing but a book to keep me entertained. Lord Hardy and the rest disappeared to some corner while Helen's pride stood firm against me. She liked me but just wouldn't admit it , so instead of sitting and having a chat or bosh with me .. She chose to sit and smell the roses.

" Quick quick we need to go !! " Louis screamed across the hall. What was going on ?

Suddenly Helen grabbed me by my arm and rushed me to the car... She looked scared. But what for ? ... When the car took off I felt my heartbeat accelerate.

= Apocalypse ? =      subconscious 😨

Instead of going to the hotel , the driver took us to an open field were I saw a white private jet. ... Really our honeymoon/ vacations was over ? Like for real ?

When we got to the jet my eyes immediately caught Lord Hardy's. He seemed angry , perhaps fuming. But why ? ... Did something ticked him off ? Did someone say something stupid ? .... Holy Shit what the actual fuck was going on. ??

" hold these .. Its a gift from Lord Danforth" Helen tossed me a small flower pot with Daffodils .... Fuck 😮 ... . Didn't wanna appear rude by tossing them out so I held them with abhorrence.  

It didn't even take me 5min to heat up , have my eyes and nose turning carmine red but when it was too late I heard a deep groan and a shout of disapproval coming from Lord Hardy.

"  Olivia !! No ... Who gave her those ? "

Ahhh too late I was in a stupor. It felt like heaven to be in a state of near unconsciousness.

▫▫▫▫ after hours 🕘🕖

It felt like silk. Very smooth Italian silk on my sensitive skin. I was on a comfortable bed in a dull royal decorated room and I had only my hidden wear on me. I was denuded in a foreign chamber and I wasn't gonna move until I had clothes on.

I took a minute to deeply curl myself into these silky navy blankets until I heard a harsh bang on the wall. It was a solid bang. A bang of a fist perhaps.

" Fuuuuckkk !!! " I head a loud groan. Immediately I recoiled out of the bed and stood on the blue marble floor. It was lord Hardy..

" I'm sorry " I apologies ... Wait what was I apologising for ? ... While questioning myself I witnessed an expression of confusion from Lord Hardy.

" why are you awake .. Go back to sleep  " he frowned

" No. " I stood my ground as he brought up a bruised bleeding fist up to his face to observe its damage. ... " ohh you're bleeding. Let me help you. "

" what ? "

" can I hep you ? Let me help you. " I offered while walking toward him. His white shirt had crimson stains of blood. Was he fighting. When I was an inch away from him I gently got a hold of his bleeding fist of which he jerked it away quickly

" Olivia. Please. Just ... Go back to bed. "

" why ? What's going on ? "

" a matter that's not within your worries "

" fine , then I'm not going to bed without you. "

" Pardon ? "

" you are not deaf my lord "  my words were firm

" I'll never serve your wants Olivia" he said .. He really looked angry

" what if I needed you "

" you will never need me. " his words wounded me. They had so much depth that settled in an uneasy state.  With that he turned on his heels and walked out , leaving me with so much wonder.

But who was I to wonder ?
I figured dwelling on this château's drama will just bore me cause no one actually repots , answers or even gossips with me. So sleeping sounded like an answer to my life's problems.


What has happened ?
Will Lord Hardy love Olivia ?

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