chapter 12

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I guess its safe to say I'm depressed. The once amazing lasagna started tasting really unpleasant due to my discomfort , emotionally. Moments ago I had finished my food and crawled my way to bed. This bed was my only comfort

" You had no right to do that !! " I heard a female voice defending and it sounded like Rose. I just hoped she wasn't defending me

" you judging me !? " a male voice rose higher and I knew it was Mark cause shortly after that the woman started crying ... I'm sure he was chocking her.

The moment I smelled violence I covered myself with my blankets and crossed my figures for Jesus to protect me. And he did. For some time in my warm hiding place I kept thinking about Miss Athena and how my soul was itching for justice. My thoughts were interrupted by loud noises of cries but it frustrated me how I couldn't identity the tune of the cry

It sounded more like a cry in pain and a cry in satisfaction. But since I was scared for my shit , I covered my ears and hoped for my nightmares.


" rise my queen " a female voice whispered softly and sounded more like Miss Athena's. Damn I missed her

" I can't " I said with a shaky voice as I excavated myself. It was a sunny morning and Rose looked like a white rose in her outfit.

" I've got hot water in the bathtub. " she said with a seductive expression and damn I couldn't resist. I immediately jumped off my bed , ran to the bathtub and nakedly dived right in. Hot water mesmerized me , I was very submissive towards it.

" Rose , who was crying last night ? "

I was itching for that knowledge. And a part of knew she wasn't gonna share anything. She was just too secretive and it annoyed me

" when ? " she asked. My eyes were closed so I couldn't witness her expression but I knew she was panicking.

" Rose. " I warned her once and I heard her develop a speech disorder. She was so nervous

" it was Helen. She was not pleased with something. " she spoke very quick and low as if wishing not to be heard.

" and later ? "

" ma'am this is really not my place. " she whispered then allegedly ran out of my chamber. These reactions were just making me more curious. ... " this is sad " I whispered in self assurance

When my water cooled I decided to hop out then my beating heart froze when I saw a man in a Navy blue Alexander McQueen suit ... It was Lord Hardy.

He took a moment of just staring at my naked body with no expression. He didn't say a word neither did he move a muscle. Jesus knows how uncomfortable I was.

" morning my Lord " I greeted then immediately grabbed a bathrobe and rapped myself with it

" too familiar is my dear wife with such sour company. "

He wasn't right but neither was he wrong about my contact with sadness. Well this explained why Rose ran away , she saw Lord Hardy.

His early arrival made me curious. Maybe whatever business he had there in Edinburgh was over or he got bored. Whichever reason it was it still ignited curiosity within me

" please come have breakfast with us. " he offered and I bowed in response. I didn't waste an second of my life. I just jumped in my nude stilettos , dress white at the bottom and nude with lace around my upper torso.

And as usual I descend down the stairs with eyes watching my every move in my stunning Louis made dresses .. BTW I missed Louis


Lord Hardy is back .. 🙋 but why 😕

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