chapter 26

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" Olivia. May I have a word. " Lord Hardy ordered then disappeared. It took me a minute to realise that it was already in the evening. I Slept for too long.

Walking down to Lord Hardy's office I got joined by Helen who looked so stunning in a red long dress.

" evening. " she greeted and I smiled in response

" you look amazing " I complimented her as we entered Lord Hardy's office. We found him packing and stacking documents neatly.

" please sit. " he kindly asked ... " you both know what has happened and you also know that no one can handle it all. I find it very absurd of me to continue juggling aspects that are inflammatory towards me. Which is why I'm gonna need you to sign these divorce papers Helen "

" what ?. .. Tom I'm pregnant. " Helen said the most bovine shit ever 😨.

" I'll borrow you a blade to cut that shit out. " he spat rudely

" its not shit its a baby. !! " Helen shouted

" Fucken sign the damn papers and get out of my life. You too Olivia. "  he rose his voice then thru a paper on me then walked out. Honestly this didn't shock nor upset me. I was willing to just please him and leave him since I meant nothing to him.

Without a doubt this was sad. The immediate second I told Louis about this he started crying but there was nothing he could do so he had to help me pack the clothes he bought for me at Edinburgh.

" I'm so sorry. " Louis hugged me.

" I fell from the sky remember. Easy come , easy go. " I giggled with him.

" so where to ? " he asked as we prepared to leave the chamber.

" Miss Athena's house. "

" oh that reminds me.. she wrote a will. Saying that you are actually her biological daughter " he assured me

" what ... 😨"

" didn't believe it either. But the letters she wrote for you were taken by Mark. I only heard about this from Tom. "

" oh fuck " I gasped.

" and I don't think its safe going to Miss Athena's house but I'm suggesting that you stay for the night while I book you a ticket to Australia. "

" who do I know in Australia ? " I asked

" no one but you'll be living in my house "

" alone ? " I asked and got interrupted by Lord Hardy who barged in.

" Louis come! " he ordered then Louis ran out.. and a second after that Martha came with a dish of lasagna.

" Olivia. I have some nice lasagna for you. " she giggled. Ah the fact that she thought of me made me feel so special to her.

" you are amazing. " I reached out for the bowl. Ah it looked so good I'd just chomp it side ways... " when did you prepare it ? "

" when you were sleeping ... Try it. " she said kindly

" oh my gosh the cheese is so thick- " I complimented then heard a loud manly shout

" Olivia !! Don't !!! "  Lord Hardy shrouded

" Martha poisoned that lasagna ! " Louis shouted behind Tom. What the hell was going on.?

" Martha where is the second death portion ? " Lord Hardy asked with a diabolic tone.

" you took it from... From Lord Mark's chamber " she said with trembling hands. Oh god.

" to you why is he lord Mark ? " Tom hardy questioned.

" I'm so sorry. " Martha apologized

" where is the damn portion ? " Lord Hardy revealed his wrath

" it is in Olivia's Lasagna... I can explain. " Martha started crying but she was too late. Lord Hardy was beyond wrath

" please come. " Lord Hardy called her then she hesitated

" don't hurt me please. " she trembled

" this is the pain you won't feel. " he reached out his hand for Martha. And I set looking blanched as I watched Martha submit herself to Lord Hardy. When she was close enough to Him ..he cupped her face with one hand and used the other to pull out a dagger  and penetrated it through Martha's neck.


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