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Draco sat on the seat next to Hermione, he scanned the room and nothing really interested him until he locked eyes with Potter. His eyes were glimmering, they were emerald of color and they astonished Draco until he realized that he'd been staring for a bit too long. A peachy color had emerged from the blonde's cheeks and decided to look somewhere that couldn't distract him from the stunning face of Harry, which was practically just looking over at Hermione. He stroke up a conversation, it was filled with awkwardness and the two wanted to get out of it but there was nothing better to do at Divinations, it really just bored Hermione and Draco didn't want to further stare at Harry.

The bell rang, everyone grabbed their backs and hurried to the hallways, Draco did the same and sprinted to the Potions classroom as he didn't really want to be late at Professor Snape's class.

Suddenly a weight pushed Draco over, he was ready to scold whoever that was until he laid eyes on Harry. His lips where more tempting than usual, 'Oh Merlin', Draco said, in his mind of course.

"I'm so sorry Malfoy", a girl said.

Draco looked up to see who it was and it was Hermione, he nodded and smiled in response as he didn't want to make a fool of himself trying to speak while Harry was looking ay him. He went ahead to Potions and he was late again, obviously.

"Malfoy, must you come to the class of you're already this late?", said Snape in a very stern and monotone voice.

"I...erm..Sorry Professor, I bumped someone on the way here"

"I have no time for your damned excuses, now sit down."

"It was worth it though, heck, Harry was worth anything!", he whispered to himself.

"Excuse me?", Snape furrowed his eyebrows and Draco shook his head in return whilst hurrying to his seat.

It was dinner time in The Great Hall, another chance to admire Harry's beauty from afar. Pansy snapped her fingers repeatedly in front of Draco's face until he was out of his trance.

"Merlin, you should just ask him out already"

"Pansy you know I can't do that. He's like straight as fuck and I'm, I dunno, oh yeah, a Death Eater!"

"Oh come on, what could you possibly lose? Nothing! Now go and get your ass to the Gryffindor table"

Pansy got a hold of Draco's wrists before he could say a word, Pansy wasn't strong enough to hold his other arm, so she instructed Blaise to help her. They had a well rough time going from point A to point B but they finally managed to drag Draco to where The Golden Trio where seated.

The three looked at them confused and asked what was going on. Draco tried to escape, but sadly Pansy and Blaise where like bodyguards all of a sudden and they'd just push him back if he tried to leave.

"I think Draco has something to say", said Blaise whilst looking over at Draco, raising his eyebrows.

"Y-yeah..that's r-right..", Draco was shaking all over, Merlin this is going to be so embarrassing.

Harry rolled his eyes and decided to speak up, "Malfoy you don't have to say it, I already know".

Pansy, Blaise, and Draco widened their eyes, how did he know? There were no signs, besides the fact that he kept staring at him. Oh right, that.

"You do?", Draco gulped.

"Yeah it's kinda obvious. I mean, you keep on looking at her and being nervous around her"

"Uhh, her?", the blonde sighed in relief as Harry was completely oblivious.

"Oh um yeah her, I like her, whoever that is", Draco whispered the last part but loud enough that Harry heard.

"What do you mean, whoever that is? It's Hermione of course!"

Hermione's jaw dropped, as well as Ron, he was ready to punch Draco in the face because Draco actually played along with it. Until Pansy of course steered them to the right direction, punching Draco's right arm.

"Harry-", he was cut off

"Harry? But you always call me Potter! Well, Pottah actually and it's really cute", Harry had obviously whispered the last bit, no one heard.

"I'm going there. Harry, I've liked you for Merlin knows how long. You're so kind, humble, selfless and damn gorgeous! I know I'm a Death Eater but I promise that I'm not like them. And with that would you like to-", he was cut off once again, but this time with a pair of soft and gentle lips. Draco widened his eyes but melted into the kiss soon after, his hands where on Harry's waist and pulled him a bit closer whilst Harry's hands roamed around Draco's soft fluffy hair. They soon pulled apart and smiled at each other, their friends had just awed at how adorable they looked.

"Yes I would like to go on a date with you, ferret", Draco's smile had faded at the name Harry just called him.

"What! No you can't call me that!"

Harry giggled and replied, "Yes I can, because I just did"

Draco growled and crossed his arms together causing Harry to giggle even more, Draco was so adorable when he's upset. Harry pulled Draco in for a hug, their foreheads touching.

"Just kidding, I'll call you dragon cause it's cute just like you", Draco blushed and pulled Harry in for another kiss.

so this is the first story that i've written, i hope you give it some love and much more will be coming out soon 💓
- lia

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