Chapter 39

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Tomorrow was tour day. 1 day. Oh, My, BEEEEPing, God!

We weren't rehearsing, but going up to Sheffield later so we were ready for tomorrow night. I smiled, rolling over to Ast, happy that my alarm hadn't woken me up this morning. I snuggled into his warm body, my memories from last night fuzzy. I remember the club, just. I remember coming home with Ast, and having the best night of my actual life, just. But anything after that, my mind drew a blank. My body ached, a good ache though.

"Hmm, Morning sexy." Ast mumbled, kissing my forehead, wrapping his arms around me.

"Good Morning." I replied, realising how much my head hurt. That pink fizzy stuff seriously wasn't good in the morning. Ast lifted his head to check the time, before deciding we still had time before we needed to be up.

"God, last night was good babe!" Ast whispered into my ear.

"Yeah, it was." I smiled, kissing him. I shut my eyes, enjoying the warmth of Ast. He hand had managed to find its way to my bum. I laughed, moving my hand up Asts back.

"Please, Never ever make me have to leave this bed." Ast moaned.

"If I could, I would." I said, as Ast kicked the duvet from me.

"No, I was telling you!" Ast laughed. I cuddled Ast more, to keep me warm, before realising I was naked after last night.

"Oh, I better get up." I giggled.

"No no, you're okay baby. Stay right where you are!" Ast smiled, tickling me.

"AST! No, stop!" I giggled, as he lowered his way down me. He tickled my stomach and legs, before kissing them, and getting out of bed. I was sprawled out the the bed, no jamas on, and Ast was looking at my body.

"I can't believe you're all mine." Ast winked, pulling on some boxers. I jumped up, slipping on my underwear, which turned out to be the ones Ast bought me before Dan made his move on me.

"Damn, I'm good at choosing underwear. Want me to help you clip your bra?" He laughed.

"Knowing you, you'd unclip it, rather than clip it!" I laughed, letting him clip it togther. Ast moved his fingers up to my face, turning it to face him. He smiled, the cutest smile I'd ever seen him pull, before biting his lip asif to stop himself. His face lent to mine, kissing my lips softly, before pulling away, lingering his face next to mine.

"See you downstairs." Ast spoke in a soft tone. I smiled as he turned away. He was totally the most romantic boyfriend ever.

It was 4pm. Ast and I were in the hotel at Sheffield. We had come in through the back door, but Ast being Ast was stood at the window, waving to all the fans. He picked up his phone, tweeting: 'Ready for Sheffield! I'm coming out later people, so you won't be waiting long! #Ansaa A,xx' I laughed, reading his tweet.

"You ready to meet the fans babe?" Ast asked.

"Ready as I'll ever be!" I replied. Ast made his way to the hotel doors, where he made his way down a line of fans, signing autographs, having photos taken, and being a general celeb. Nearly an hour later, he finally made it back to the doors of the hotel, a massive smile on his face.

"Jeez, I thought you'd been mobbed the amount of time you took!" I joked.

"Well, you gotta give them what they want!" Ast laughed.

"Erm, I hope you didn't give them everything they want! I gotta keep some things for myself!" I joked again, kissing him.

"Of course!" Ast winked, taking me to dinner.

Tomorrow was going to be mental. Tomorrow was tour day. Tomorrow I was going to be dancing for my career, with my boyfriend, with like millions of fans watching. Woah.

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