Chapter 38

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2 days til tour. Just two days.

We were back at the arena. Today everyones nerves were starting to kick in. We were doing yet another run through, but today included make-up and singing. It had been mental getting into the arena, with the word spreading where the boys were. Fans queued the streets to meet the boys, and we had had to be escorted into the arena.

"Why were we escorted in here?" Ast called. "What about the fans who've queued to meet us?"

"Ast, shut up. We have rehearsals to do, not fans." Leon replied, getting annoyed with all the boys moaning.

"hmmmph." Ast moaned.

"You all have 15 minutes to get the first costume on, you boys to have your harnesses on, and make up on." Leon called over the mayhem. As we rushed off to get ready, I felt an arm twist around my waist.

"Ast! What're you doing?" I giggled.

"Having some fun." Ast muttered.

"And what about rehearsals?" I smiled.

"Stuff them." Ast started kissing my neck, pushing me against the corridor wall. "I love you."

"Hmm, I love you too." I kissed Ast back, brushing my face over his. "But I have a job, and so do you." I turned on a proffesional accent. "I really think you should conentrate on your job, rather than the women around here. Otherwise we, as a company, may have to fire you." I laughed, my tone humoring myself.

"Oh, well if that's the case, I think you may have to fire me. Because the girls in here are far too distracting." Ast smiled, leaning back in to kiss me. I leant in, not letting his face reach mine, before I turned away down the corridor.

"Mr. Merrygold. I believe you are down to 7 minutes until you have to be ready. Get going, you don't want to risk the sack now, do you?" I walked away, my hair swishing behind me. I heard Ast wolf whistle, but I carried on towards the dressing room. Ast was great fun to act with.

Seven minutes, and Ast was being highered into his harness. We all laughed as they had to lower Ast's harness lower than the rest of the boys. The boys had two dances before they needed us dancers, so we started talking.

"You coming out on our pre-tour night tonight? We should be back in London by 6, so we we're saying about going to VK's nightclub around 8." Chloe asked. "We were going to ask Marv to invite Roch too."

"Yeah sounds good! I'll ask Ast!" I laughed.

"What about Jen though?" Abby whispered.

"Who knows. What do you reckon?" Chloe asked.

"My vote is pretend we havn't arranged it yet." I said.

"I agree." Abby mumbled, as Jen was walking up to us.

"We've gotta go." Jen spoke.

"Right." Chloe replied, as we walked towards the stage.

8pm. I was with Ast walking into the club. I had my short silver dress on, with heels.

"Babe, you aint leaving tonight without me either having you, or killing you!" Ast joked, looking my dress up and down.

"You want me to shorten it?" I giggled.

"Any shorter, and everything will be on show!" Ast laughed. "On second thoughts, yeah... shorten it!" I laughed at him, walking into the club. Chloe squealed, running over to me.

"Where did you buy that dress?" Chloe screamed. "I need it!"

"I don't know, one of Ast's expensive looking shops. Why he buys me this stuff I'll never know!" I replied, laughing.

"I wouldn't complain babe! However I can guess what he wants tonight!" Chloe giggled.

"I bet Jay bought you your dress though!" I giggled, looking at her mini skirt style dress.

"Well yeah!" Chloe giggled, as we walked over the dance floor.

"You want a drink girls?" Ast asked.

"Get me one of those pink fizzy things please Ast!" I called.

"You mean them expensive ones? Getting used to this aren't you babe!" Ast laughed.

"YEP! And me please Ast!" Chloe called. Chloe and I danced, until Abby walked in, her dress almost shorter than mine. She had a slimline red dress on, finishing literally where her bum ended. Her heels lifted her so she was nearly taller than Reesh.

"So, I bet Reesh bought you your dress?" Chloe laughed.

"I don't know how you guessed!" Abby giggled, as Ast handed us all drinks. Whatever this stuff was, it was really nice. Whatever this stuff was, was making us all drunk quickly. By the time Roch and Marv arrived, Chloe, Abby and I were already falling about all over the place.

"What have you three been drinking?" Roch laughed, holding her arm out to me to keep me steady.

"Expensive pink fizzy stuff." Chloe giggled.

"Right. Marv! Get me some pink fizzy stuff!" Roch called. I watched Abby walk over to a random guy dancing, as she moved closer to him.

"Shall we get Reesh?" I slurred to Roch.

"Hmm, maybe." Roch replied. Roch walked to Reesh, who saved Abby from making a total fool of herself before 11pm.

"Well wasn't he hot?" Abby giggled, drunkenly.

"Abby, you have a boyfriend!" I laughed.

"Oh yeah! Where is he? Flirting with a girlllll..." Abby slipped, landing awkwardly on the floor. Reesh was soon over to her, picking her up.

"I think Abby needs a sit down!" Reesh laughed, a little tipsy.

The night carried on in this drunk mannor, until Ast looked up to me, winking. I followed him to a corridor, dimly lit, near the toilets.

"What do you want?" I giggled, falling over him.

"Hmm, let's start with you." Ast replied, also slurring his words. Ast leant his head, kissing my neck.

"Ast, let's go home." I replied. "We can take it all the way."

"Now that sounds good." Ast smiled, kissing me again, before dragging me to his car, driving me home. Once we were at home, Ast opened the front door, dragging me to the sofa, sitting on me.

"Girl, I wanna love in 3D. Baby, take a chance on me. You make me wanna." Ast started mixing songs lyrics together, kissing me between each line. He slipped his hands under my dress, creating the best night of my life. It was like nothing before. The drunk passion was undescribable, so I'm not going to describe it. Let's leave it like this, the floor was good, the sofa was better, the bedroom was the best. The first hour was good, the second hour better, and the third hour best. 

1 day til tour. OMG, 1 day.

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