Chapter 6

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I stepped out of the taxi, pulling down the bottom of my dress. Abby winked at me, grabbing my wrist, urging me towards to door. I was going to walk in on JLS, because Aston Merrygold had asked me to. Strange really. I gripped my hand around the door handle, took a deep breath, which im sure Abby noticed, and pulled. Nandos had been transformed from an ordinary restaurant to a dark club, with chicken and all sorts on the side. There were tables around the egde, but the majority of the restaurant was made up of a dance floor. I pulled my hand around my hair, something I always do when i'm nervous. I glanced around, and saw JLS, with many others surrounding them sat at a table on the edge of the restaurant. As I looked over, Aston looked up. He smiled, and started walking over. This was is. OMG, this is it. What if I mess it all up? Or he is going to tell me to leave? Abby must have felt my nervous vibe and squeezed my hand, giving me a reasurring smile.

"Hey babe," Aston winked. He had obviously got rid of his earlier nerves. "You coming to join us?"

"Hey, Aston. Yeah, sounds good." I laughed, nervous of meeting the band.

"I was hoping you were gonna say that! And call me Ast." Aston... Ast spoke, giving me that 'melt your middle' smile. He took my hand, and guided me through the crowd to the table everyone was sat on.

The table was round, with two band members sat together on a sofa stretching the whole of one wall of the restaurant. There were pannelists I recognised, but I was here because of Ast, not because I'd passed by auditions.

"Well look who it is! The famous Laura Perry! Our new dancer, right?" Marvin asked, giving me his hand to shake. I took it, repling,

"haha, yeah. It seems so!" I replied, feeling less nervous.

"We've heard all about you. Ast's took a shine to you girl!" Marvin joked

"Yeah, too right! Laura this, Laura that." JB pipped up from next to Marvin. I smiled, not knowing what else to do.

"Oh, Abby's over, erm, actually where is she?" I said, not knowing what else to say.

"Reesh, has already got his hands on her! Don't worry, we know who she is." Marvin replied. Seems Abs had already made herself at home. She'd left me already. It wasn't so bad though. Everyone seemed to be really nice. It wasnt as bad as I'd imagined. I felt someone grabbing my hand, and turned around.

"Oh, hey Ast" I said, a gleam beginning in my eye. This kid really wasn't bad looking! If fact, I'd go as far as saying fit!

"Hey babes, wanna dance with me?" He asked, already pulling me to the dance floor.

"Not waiting around there, eh Ast!" Marvin shouted from his seat. I saw he had his arms around Rochelle, his wife-to-be. I'd read about it in the papers. She was from another girl band. And JB had Chloe on his arm. I'd danced with Chloe before. I needed to make sure I said hi at some point.

Ast had his arms around my waist, and was dancing with me. I was trying not to fall over again, but I was better at dancing to walking so it wasn't too hard! Ast seemed to read my mind.

"Try to stay standing up this time?" Ast laughed.

"Try to." I replied. I could see Ast's eyes dancing over my face. We were dancing towards to back door. I stayed silent, waiting for Aston to break the silence.

"Your gorgous babe" Ast said, obviously not thinking. "Can I get that kiss from last night yet?" Ast winked, smiling that same smile.

"Hmm, lets think, no!" I replied, flirting with him.

"Why not?" He asked, giving me his puppy dog eyes.

I broke from him, pausing as he caught up. I danced backwards towards the back door, opening it, letting myself out. The door opened and Ast appeared. I winked at him, moving back, nearer a wall.

"I said why not!" Aston repeated, pushing me to the wall, his body inched from mine. 

"It was crowed. Besides, I only just met you." I whispered. Ast leant his head towards mine, our lips just centimeters apart.

"Its not crowded anymore. " Ast replied, wrapping his arms around my waist, gazing at my lips, whilst ignoring the 'I only just met you' part.

"You didn't answer all my..." Before I could finish, I felt the soft touch of Astons lips. I felt tingles running up my spine. He was good at this. I pulled away, watching his face, smiling at him.

"I've been waiting for that." Ast whispered, biting his lip. "Come on, we better get back."

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