Chapter 18

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We were back at Astons house. Ast was with me, laid on the sofa next to me. My tears wouldn't stop. Ast was trying to phone the police again, and my head was hurting. He must have followed me throughout the shopping trip, and I didn't even notice. He could have been following me all day.

"Babe, how are you?" Ast asked, touching his hand with my arm.

"mmh. I don't know if i'll be able to get rid of him next time. What if I can't and he gets me? What if the pap got photos? What if..." I was starting to think out loud.

"Don't worry about the Pap, the only photos they got were of us holding hands, running to the car. And thats nothing. And I promise you, if he finds you again, I will personally kill him." Ast smiled.

"You are the sweetest person." I replied, feeling better. Ast always had a way with words.

"Its because I love you." Ast murmered, kissing my neck, repeatedly.

"Please, Ast. If your gonna do that, can't it wait til later?" I asked, still shaken up.

"Im sorry, I wasn't thinking. I just can't keep my hands from you!" Ast smiled.

"Oh Ast!" I laughed, wondering just where had got his lines from. "Tomorrow night, we'll see. If im feeling better, tomorrow." I smiled.

"Only if you're ready babe." Ast spoke, wrapping his arms around me. We sat like this until the police hold line freed, and Ast could speak to them.

"Yeah, yeah, okay. Bye then." Ast had finished speaking to the police.

"What have they said?" I asked, wondering whether I wanted to know the answer or not.

"They're planning on taking him in tomorrow. He'll be put in a cell overnight, or until they have to let him go due to regualtions."

"Okay. So I have a possible Dan free day tomorrow?"

"Yeah, hopefully. They should get him early tomorrow morning, so tomorrow you can do what you want. I'm at the studio all day, but i'll be a call away if you need me." Ast smiled.

"Yeah, okay. Are you going today?"

"I should be going for three o clock, but I've rung the lads, and they're gonna carry on without me. I think my baby girl needs me more than the fans today."

"I feel special, its not often something comes before Aston Merrrygold and his fans!" I joked.

"Only you baby, your the only one." Ast spoke. "Now, what movie do you want to watch?" he winked.

"hmm, whatever you want." I replied Ast picked up a rom-com, slipping it into the player before lying next to me once again. I rested my head on his shoulder, and was soon feeling much better. I thought I'd be worse than this, after my second sighting of Dan in two days, but Ast seemed to make me forget, and give my brain a break. The film was starting, as Ast looked at me. He lent me down on the sofa, and lent over me. He placed his soft lips effortesly on mine, repeatedly kissing me. He slipped in his tongue, and started going. A minute later, we were still there, but the memories came flooding back. I stopped responding to Ast, and he pulled his head from mine. He knew something was wrong.

"Sorry baby, I keep forgetting about Dan."

"No, its okay. I want to do this. He can't control me, especially when he isn't even here." I grabbed Asts hair, and pulled him close to me again. He returned to where he was, as he started getting excited. His body was moving up and down mine, as he put his arms around me, slipping his hands under my bra. I moved my hands under his top, feeling his torso. That six pack felt good! We didn't make a next move, but stayed, lips locked like this for a good half hour or more. When we finally surfaced, I laid my head against Ast. His hands were still wrapped under my top, mine his. The film didn't make much sense, as we'd missed the first part, but it was still nice, sitting here, without Dan on my mind. Astons mobile rang.

"Hello?" He answered.

"Really? Thats great!" There was a pause.

"Yeah, yeah, okay! I'll tell her!" Ast was beaming.

"Thanks, bye!"

The phone call finished.

"Who was that?" I asked puzzled.

"The station. They say they've got Dan, and have enough evidence to keep him in tonight and tomorrow." Ast had a great big smile across his face.

"Thats great!" The same big grin had appeared on my face.

"Thats the first time since yesterday you've smiled like that! Its great seeing you like this." Ast smiled.

"Deserves celebrating!" I laughed.

"You know what. It does! What time is it?" Ast asked.

"Erm, Six Thirty. Why?"

"I think, if I get busy, I can get the boys and Chloe, Roch and Abs to get down to the club tomorrow. What you think, Spa day tomorrow, go into London street shopping for an outfit, and then go out? Celebrate it!" Ast smiled.

"Sounds amazing! Do you want to tell everyone tomorrow about us. Just them, not the fans. I feel bad keeping it from Abs. Besides, I think she's guessed!" I laughed.

"Yeah, Its about time we told them!" Ast smiled.

My head was finally stopping aching, and I felt much better. I no longer felt sick at the thought of everything, although I didn't feel great thinking about it. Ast was going to make tomorrow amazing. The only thing that could make tomorrow better was being told Dan was stopping in another night. Like that was going to happen. I could hope, right?

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