Chapter 15

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"Laura? Laura! Are you okay? What's happened?" Ast ran through the door, calling.

I saw him, and stopped. My mind froze. What if he didn't like me anymore? He pulled me into his arms, hugging me tight. I became emotional again, and the tears slowly started rolling down my face once more. Ast sat me down, but didn't make me speak. He just hugged me, kissing my head every now and then, murmuring

"Its okay now. He's gone now." every now and then, as Roch and Abby were informing him of what had happened again. I sat, encased in Asts warm, loving arms. When the girls had finished, Ast gazed into my eyes.

"He's hurt you, hasn't he?" He looked caringly at me, not looking at me like I was daft, or like he hated me, but more like the love he had for me had grown.

"Baby girl, he's never gonna hurt you again. I promise, yeah?" I nodded my head, trying to smile, while he wiped away my tears. He wrapped his arms around me, pulling my head to his shoulder. I tried calming down again.

"Lets take you home? You'll feel much better when I've made you've had some tea and eaten 'Astons Amazing Apple Crumble'" Aston smiled, picking me up under my arms. He walked me to his car, where I sat silently.

The journey home was quiet. Neither of us spoke, but the silence wasn't awkward, just delicate. I was laid in Ast's bed, hot tea on the bedside table, listening to Ast trying to make this famous dessert. The swearing and crashing would have been funny if Dan would leave my mind. His face still flashed over my eyelids every times I blinked. I was worried for what he may do. He could take me home with him, and make me do what we never finished. What if he tried forcing me to again? The thoughts were running through my mind like a steam train, when I hear a knock on the door.

"Room service!" Ast called, in his poshest of voices.

"Oh, do come in." I tried to joke back.

"Your Apple Crumble Ma'am." Ast winked.

"Why thankyou, waiter." I spoke, taking the tray off him. Ast climbed into bed next to me. I took the spoon from the side of the tray and carefully placed the food into my mouth. It was good. In fact, it was better. It was amazing. It really was Astons Amazing Apple Crumble.

"This is amazing babe! Natural chef!" I spoke, trying to act as normal as I could.

"Thanks babes." Ast replied, hugging his arm around my waist. I shivered, remembering Dan trying to do the same.

"Babe, you alright?" Ast said pulling his arm back from my waist, realising it was making me nervous.

"No, its okay. Just remembered something." I dragged his arm back around my waist and rested my head on his shoulder. The room was quiet for a few minutes, before Ast broke the silence.

"What you thinking of?" Aston asked, a puzzled look on his face.

"Are you angry?" I asked.

"Erm, why would I be angry?" Ast asked, still confused.

"I lied." I replied.

"About what?" Ast still didn't understand what I was getting at.

"About having lost my virginity." I whispered.

"Babe. That doesn't bother me. You havn't really lost it, because it wasn't special. I'll show you one day, what it's meant to be like. Only when you're ready." Ast spoke, the love in his voice showing. His eyes were big and round, as he gazed at me. That was one thing I could put at rest. He wasn't upset that I had lied. My mind fell silent. No escaping memories. The images stopped. I fell softly asleep against Ast's shoulder. This was the boy I loved. And I knew he loved me back.

I woke up, two hours later. Ast had fallen asleep next to me, his arm still around my waist. I picked my phone up from the side. Four new messages. I read them individually. [Hope your okay babes. Told you Ast would be great. Love you! Abs,xx] Abby. My best mate! [Thanks hun. Yeah, he was! thanks for making me see sense. Love you back! L,xx] The next message was Chloe, and then Roch, both checking I was okay. I replied, to see the last, unread message. [I know where you are babes. With that JLS guy. Why don't you come back to me, i'll show you some fun? You know I love you more! Please baby! Danxxx] Dan. He had my number? He knew where I was. That meant he could get me. I had to get rid of him. I couldn't get rid of him. He'd kill me.

Ast yawned next to me. I quickly flipped my phone down, the message saving.

"Alright babes?" Ast asked. "What was that?"

"Just my phone." I replied.

"Oh yeah? Who was it? You look worried." Ast asked again.

"No one." I replied. But Ast had seen through it. I got up, pushing my phone to the side. Ast got up, grabbing my phone, and reading the message. I couldn't get it off him in time.

"Laura, it's okay baby. Well tell the police, they'll get him and make him leave you alone." He started to hug me.

"NO!" I exclaimed. "You can't tell them. I hit him with a staircase pole. I'll get put in prison." I cried.

"Baby, you won't." Ast was looking at me with such love and thought. "It was self defence. Please. Let me get them off your back." I looked at Ast. He looked so much like he knew right. The tears once again started. i nodded my head.

"Sure?" Ast asked.

"Yeah, tell them. I want him gone." I replied. Ast kissed my head, stroking my arm.

"He will be. I'll make sure of it. Your my girl." Ast started quietly singing 'Thats My Girl' to me. His voice soft and quiet. My head was hurting. Ast locked the message so he could show the police. My eyes closed once again, as I drifted to a place where it was just me and Ast, and a place where no one could ever hurt me. A place where the bad things were forgotten, and the good remembered forever.

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