Chapter 29

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Abs and Reesh walked over to, hand in hand.

"Hey babes!" Reesh smiled at me. "Alright mate!" He spoke, giving Ast the boys usual handshake.

"Lauraaa!" Abby hugged me. "What a rehearsal! I just couldn't get the running order in my head!" Abby laughed.

"I could tell! Come on Abs, this is JLS!" I laughed. "Even I could do it with a cast on!" We giggled on like this, catching up, and talking until our food came.

"So, Reesh! Where did you get that video of Ast from?" I laughed.

"Oh, I have my sources!" Reesh laughed. The food was really nice, but Ast kept playing footsie with me under the table. I kicked him, trying to stop him, but he carried it on all the more.

"What's up with you two?" Reeshed smiled inquisitively.

"Nothing." Ast winked. The night was really good, joking with Ast, Reesh and Abs. Reesh was such a funny guy, and totally mad with twitter. All he did was tweet!

"Guys! Photo please! Need it for twitter!" Reesh smiled, taking a picture of the four of us.

"And, me and Abby have a question. Do you think we can release the fact that we're togther?" Reesh questioned Aston.

"Yeah mate! I'm sure it will be fine. Its in time for tour aswell." Ast laughed. "I think it's time you did! The fans are mental about you getting a girl!" We all started laughing. The night had been really good, so we decided to all go back to Asts house. Reesh and Abby were going to sleep in one of the spare rooms, so that they could drink.

Half an hour after we'd paid for the bill, we were back home, Abby and Reesh in tow.

"Anyone for a drink?" Ast asked. "We've got WKD, or wine or whatever!"

"I'll have a WKD please Ast!" Abs called.

"Yeah, me too Ast!" I called.

"Whatever Ast. You know me!" Reesh laughed. There was a knock on the door. I went to answer it.

"Marv! Roch!" I smiled. "Reesh and Abby are here. You want a drink?" I asked.

"Yeah, whatever!" Marv laughed. "I was only coming to give Ast this new single plan. But we'll join in the party, eh Roch!"

"Sure thing, never known us to miss a party!" Roch laughed, hugging me.

"Abs, Reesh. Marv and Roch are here." I told them, walking in with them.

"Hey!" Everyone called, greeting eachother. Ast brought in a tray of drink and snacks. Everyone sat down, Marv and Roch almost on top of eachother. The drinks got flowing, Roch, Abs and I having a good chat. We all started becoming drunk, as the conversations became louder and dizzier.

"Tour in three weeks, eh Laura!" Roch slurred. "I'm waiting for you to fall over!" We all giggled.

"As long as I don't have a 'direct me to the floor moment' like Marv, it'll be fine!" I laughed.

"Talking about me girls? Can't keep away can you!" Marv drunkenly spoke back.

"Mmmh, I know! Such a demon in the bedroom." Roch slurred again.

"Roch! I think your getting a bit tipsy!" I laughed, with Marv and Abs laughing.

"Oh, don't stop her. I like this complimenting!" Marv laughed. Soon enough, everyone was having drunken banter. Ast moved to sit with me, as Reesh sat on Abby.

"REEEESH!" Abby screamed.

"Oh, I know you like it." Reesh laughed, kissing her.

"Bedrooms are that way guys!" Ast joked, slurring words together. The night had disappeared. It was nearly 3am. Abby and Reesh decided to call it a night, as Abby was starting to fall over.

"Yeah, we ought to call it a night to." Ast slurred. "How're you feeling Laura? Ready for action?" Ast was laughing.

"Yeah right, bad boy!" I pushed him.

"Oh, don't worry Laura. My Bad boy is doing as he's told tonight. If the beds a rockin, don't come a knockin!" Everyone burst into fits of laughter, as we all approached our rooms.

"Night Roch! Well.. maybe not night.. but we don't need to know! As long as we can't hear!" I laughed. I got into our room, Ast smiling at me.

"You okay babe?" Ast asked.

"Yeah, its been really good. I don't even hurt with all this alcohol!" I laughed.

"You know Marv and Roch are, you know. And Reesh and Abs are. So why not us two? If your up to it?" Ast asked, a look of compassion on his face. I smiled, kissing him.

"You know what, I think thats a really nice idea."

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