Chapter 11: The Visitor

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I want to talk to Charles, so I walk out of my room and just go to the next door. I knock and try the doorknob. The door opens, but to my dismay, I find it empty or any presence. I close the door and slowly walk down the staircase, not wanting to trip in my sleepy haze. Once safely at the bottom, I turn to see that Charles's office door isn't quite open, but it isn't closed either. That is odd, it is always closed when he is not using it and always open when he is. 

I decide to go and investigate. I walk over to the door and tap on it with my fingers. It doesn't move or swing open like I thought it would. I grab the doorknob and turn it, the door opens with no sound at all and I slowly open it completely.


I see Emalia, the door is open and she has her hand on the doorknob. She is half leaning on the door and half standing upright. She looks completely shocked by either seeing me in here or noticing another man in her with me. Surprise is written all over her face, I guess she was expecting to find it vacant, but unfortunately that is not the case. I wonder what my expression must look like if hers looks like that. 

She looks really good in that silk chemise she is wearing. I never thought I'd ever see so much of her. It is just barely not see-through and I do not know how she can be so comfortable standing right there in just that. It is showing practically everything she has. The curve of her breasts and her hips, such a womanly figure for a young maiden such as herself. I am impressed. 

"Mr. Anderson, are you going to answer me?"

"Oh, ummm......Actually Adam, I think it would be best if you left now, I am sorry, but I have someone who needs me right now." I look at her and smile, "Hi, Miss Emalia."

"Who is, Emalia? Charles are you going insane too?"

"No, Adam, I assure you, I am not going insane. I am perfectly sane, in fact I am more than sane and you really need to leave. It was so kind of you to stop by though, and I certainly do not look forward to a second visit."

Adam turns around and looks at Emalia. Oh, no, now I know I am in trouble, big, bad trouble. "Adam," I all but scream at him, "This is, Emalia, the princess. You should know her, you are the one that wants to take her spot in ruling." I purposely insult him to try and get his attention off Emalia before I lose it.


I open the door and find Charles behind his desk and another man sitting in one of the chairs in front of his desk. A man I have never seen before, not very surprising though, I have seen very little men in my life. I can count them all on the fingers of my right hand. I see that Charles has noticed me. 

The man sitting in the chair in front of Charles's desk says, "Mr. Anderson, are you going to answer me?"

Charles quickly tries to regain his composure and he does it fairly well, "Oh, ummm......Actually Adam, I think it would be best if you left now, I am sorry, but I have someone who needs me right now." He smiles at me, an evil sort of smile and I know exactly what he is planning. "Hi, Miss Emalia." Oh no, he did not just do that.

"Who is, Emalia? Charles are you going insane too?" The other man asks him. 

"No, Adam, I assure you, I am not going insane. I am perfectly sane, in fact I am more than sane and you really need to leave. It was so kind of you to stop by though, and I certainly do not look forward to a second visit." What, he is going to send him on his way with me still out here?! I don't want him seeing me. 

The Letter I Wrote To The Duke (Seriously Editing Had A Huge Plot Hole)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant