Haldir- bookworm

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A/n: requested by @hufflepuffturtle. Hope you enjoy!

You flipped the page over as your eyes scanned the page, completely engrossed in the words on the page. The outside world seemed worlds away as you silently mouthed the words you read.

Since you loved to read so much, your aunt, Lady Galadriel, appointed you as the head librarian of Caras Galadhon. You, of course, were excited to accept the position and you knew your father would be proud of you. You gained your love of books from him.

When word spread that the High King of Nargothrond has been killed, Lord Celeborn sent for you, Finrod's daughter, to be brought to Lothlórien.

You grew up with your cousin, Celebrian, and quickly became best friends. The two of you remained close, even when she left Lórien to marry Lord Elrond of Imladris. You were saddened to see her leave, but you were excited for her.

Every once in a while, a suitor would show interest, but in the end, it never worked out. You weren't bothered by the fact that you were unmarried. The company of your books was enough to keep you happy and content. Until he came into your life.

The Marchwarden of Lothlórien, Haldir. His silver hair and blue eyes caught you off guard when you first met, and you were certainly smitten.

Over time, the Ellon had grown fond of you, and often spent his free time in your library. He would browse through the books, pretending to look for one to read. When in reality, he was stealing glances over in your direction. On this particular day, you happened to look up and met his gaze.

"Forgive me, my Lady. I didn't mean to stare."

"Mellon, how many times have I told you? I'm simply Y/n."

Haldir smiled. "Y/n. I was just wondering if you could help me choose a book to read?"

You giggled. "You haven't even brought back the last three you've borrowed. I feel as though you are holding them hostage."

Haldir flushed crimson. "I'm so sorry. I keep forgetting to bring them back."

The silver haired elf groaned internally. "What a pitiful excuse," he thought.

You smile and beckon for him to follow you. After about a half hour, you selected a book you thought suitable for the warden. "I believe you'll enjoy this one. It's the story of Glorfindel and the battle against the Balrog."

Haldir turned the book over in his hands, admiring the details of the cover. "Y/n, would you meet me under the tree near the river? I thought that maybe, because you are so fond of reading, we might read it together?"

You stared at the elf for a few seconds before nodding your head.

Haldir grinned and kissed your cheek lightly before turning on his heels to the door. You stood there for a few minutes, holding the cheek he had just kissed. "Wait, what?"

That night, you met up with the elf in your designated spot. Haldir had taken the liberty of setting a blanket on the ground for you both to sit on. When you approached, he quickly got up and bowed.

"My Lady, you look beautiful this evening."

You blushed and nervously played with a strand of your h/c hair, a nervous habit that you've had since you were an elfling. The memory of your father gently tugging your hand away from your hair made you chuckle.

Haldir looked up from the book, a confused look on his face. "What?"

You shake your head nonchalantly. "I was just thinking about my Ada. When I was an elfling, I would always tug on my hair like I was doing a moment ago. He would gently pull my hair out of my hand so I wouldn't pull it out."

The Ellon smiled as he saw the glimmer of mischief in your e/c eyes. "What was he like? The High King Finrod?"

You lean back against the tree, reminiscing about your father. A smile appeared on your lips a second later. "He loved the race of Men. He would tell stories of how he sneaked into their camps to play music. He was a brilliant harpist. I remember how he taught me how to wield a blade as an elfling. But I think, I remember his love of books more than anything. Every night before I went to sleep, he would read to me."

"What sort of books," Haldir asked quietly. He was completely engrossed in your story.

"Mostly history or philosophy books. He was addicted to the words on a page. He died when I was about eleven years old, and I've lived here ever since."

Haldir gently took your hand in his. You looked down at your entwined fingers, examining how different his hands were. His were rough and callused. But yours were different. Yours were soft and smooth, untouched by the horrors or battle. You also noted that your hand fit perfectly in his.

"If your Ada were alive today, I would ask him for permission to court you."

Your e/c eyes shot up to meet Haldir's blue ones. Did you hear him wrong? Was this a dream? Questions raced through your mind.

"Haldir, I'm sure there are other Elleths who would give anything for your attention. Why me?"

The silver haired elf smiled and leaned his forehead against yours. "Because they're not you, my bookworm."

You blush and gently push his shoulder. Haldir lets out a hearty chuckle and sits back against the tree. "What do you say, bookworm? Will you be mine?"

"Yes, my Marchwarden."

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