Legolas- night watch

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A/n: requested by ShadowsingerCat. I watched this film the other day actually, so I hope you all enjoy!!

The Fellowship had departed from Rivendell a few days ago. The road to Mordor was still a long ways away. Legolas had convinced you, his best friend, to go with him on the journey to Rivendell. The last thing you expected was to join a Fellowship that was going to Mordor. You walked along side Pippin, one of the four Hobbits, chatting about life in the Shire.

"Merry and I weren't meant to go on this quest you know," he stated as a matter of factly.

"Is that so?"

"Aye. We were on our way from Farmer Maggot's house with the food we stole, when we ran into Frodo and Sam!"

You can't help but laugh. The Hobbits were such a joy to be around. The Fellowship stopped for a while to make camp before ascending into the mountains. Aragorn and Gimli stood watch while Sam started to make dinner. Legolas was sitting next to you, sharpening one of his knives. Merry and Pippin were arguing about what spices Sam should use, while Frodo and Gandalf were speaking quietly. Boromir continued on to find some firewood.

Pippin looked up at you and Legolas, watching you both converse in Elvish. "How do you two know each other?"

Both of you looked at the Hobbit. "I've known Leggy here since I was an elfling. My Ada was a captain in Thranduil's army."

Legolas ruffled your hair. "She's like a little sister."

You smack his arm away. "I'm older than you are by two centuries."

"Yes, but I'm taller."

You stood up walked over to where Aragorn was sitting. He smiled as you sat down next to him. "You should get some sleep, Estel. I'll stay up and keep watch."

Aragorn yawned and shook his head. You raise an eyebrow at him. The stubbornness of Men. Even though you were a few thousand years old, the stubbornness of Men still took you by surprise.

"Estel, don't argue with me," you stated firmly.

"Y/n, you need to sleep too."

"I'll be fine. Don't be as stubborn as you were as a child. Go get some sleep."

Aragorn sighed. He knew that arguing with you would be pointless. After all, you were all he knew for a mother. When his mother died, you were in Rivendell at the time. Since Elrond had other duties to attend to most of the time, you took it upon yourself to raise him. Once Aragorn had left Rivendell to go out on his own, you decided to return to Mirkwood. You reunited with your best friend, and fought along side him in the Battle of the Five Armies.

The night passes without any trouble, and soon the Fellowship heads out again. Frodo and Gandalf lead the way to the passage of the mountains. You and Legolas trailed behind the rest, keeping an eye out for any threats.

"Y/n, that is the third time you've yawned since we've left camp. Did you get any sleep?"

You shook your head. "No, I took over watch for Estel."

Legolas raised an eyebrow. He then stopped and stood in front of you. "Get on."

You let out a tired laugh. "Legolas, I'm fine. I've gone for several days without sleep. This will be just like those times."

Legolas shrugged his shoulders and continued walking. "Okay. But, if you get tired. Let me know."

You give your best friend a smile. "I will. I'll be okay. I promise."

"That's what you said when we decided to go night hunting a few centuries ago," Legolas teased, a faint glimmer in his blue eyes.

You smack his arm and roll your eyes. "It wasn't my idea to go hunting. Someone wanted to prove to his Ada that he was a fully mature Ellon."

The Elf Prince flushed. The two of you continued to talk quietly in Elvish as the Fellowship continued on their quest to destroy the One Ring. You knew very little about the Ring, but what you remembered was from when you were an Elfling. You heard whispers from grown up Elves that a Ring of power had been forged by Sauron, that was it.

Throughout the day, your eyelids were beginning to droop and your pace slow down. Legolas, who was trailing behind you, scooped you up in his arms and shifted you to his back. Your arms instinctively wrap around his broad shoulders, and you bury your face in his blonde hair. Eventually, Legolas could hear your breath slow down as you fall asleep, clinging to him.

"No more night watched for you," he chuckled lightly, thinking to himself.

A/n: this was crap. I'm sorry 😕

Tolkien Elf ImaginesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora