Finrod- Daughter

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It had been a normal day when he found you. Finrod, the fairest of all the elven princes, found an orphaned baby girl abandoned in the forest. He didn't understand why someone so tiny, would be abandoned by her parents. Later, he learned that your parents had been killed by Orcs during a night raid. The elven King held you in his arms when you started to cry. The crying ceased when he hummed a song in elvish.

Finrod brought you to his home, until he could find your next of kin. His court advisers thought it wasn't wise to bring the baby elf into the elven kingdom, but the High King shook his head.

"The little Elleth has been through enough. She will stay here until further notice, or until we find her family."

That was six years ago. Now, you were a beautiful little elfling with big e/c eyes, the cutest little laugh, and h/c hair. Finrod was the proudest father in all of Middle Earth. You were spoiled rotten by him and all his siblings, Galadriel more than anyone. She loved having a niece to spoil.

One night, you couldn't sleep so you decide to go find your father. Wandering the halls of the palace, you finally found your way to his bedchamber. The light was on and the door open slightly. Finrod was sitting in bed reading a book when you came in.

"Y/n, it's late why are you still up?"

You toddle over to where he was and climbed up into his open arms. "Couldn't sleep. Can you tell me a story?"

Finrod thought for a moment as you settled down in his lap. "What story would you like to hear, little one?"

You picked at the hem of your periwinkle coloured nightgown. "The one where you found me."

The elven king smiled. It was your favourite story, and you never tired of hearing it. He kissed the top of your head and began to tell the tale. He remembered it like it was yesterday....


Finrod rode through the forest having just come from a village of men. He held up his gloved right hand, ordering the guards to stop. His pointed ears picked up the small cries of a baby.

He dismounted his horse, and walked over to the source of the crying. The King of the Noldor checked around the area where he heard the crying. He turned back to his guards. "There's a baby crying nearby. Search the entire area," he commanded.

The guards nodded and dispersed. After a few minutes of searching, the crying was heard again. Finrod stopped, honing in on crying. He followed the cries to a camp. The sight before him made his blood run cold. The bodies of several elves were scattered around, and their supplies were damaged.

The crying became louder as he approached the body of a young Elleth, no more than twenty years old. Her hand was draped over a turned over basket, the source of the crying.

Curious, Finrod gently removed the young mother's hand, and lifted the basket. He gasped when he saw a small baby girl. Thankfully, she was unharmed.

"Over here," he yelled for his guards. He gently picked the tiny bundle up and held her close to his chest. "Shh, it's all right. You're safe now, little one." The king checked you over for any visible wounds, and fortunately, he didn't find any.

He hummed an elvish lullaby to help calm you down. "Shh. I'm here, little one," he whispered gently.


"You stole my heart the second I saw you."

You yawned. "I love you, Ada."

Finrod smiled and kissed your forehead. He gently moved you over to the other side of the bed. You snuggle into his pillow. "I love you too, Y/n. Now go to sleep."

You nodded sleepily as Finrod blows out the candle. Everything in the King of the Noldor's world was perfect, and nothing would ever change it.

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