Chapter 23

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The next day

I slowly woke up and I looked at
Ji woo, sleeping so beautiful. I moved closer to her and I kissed her head. "I love you Ji woo." I whispered as I put my shirt back on and left to find Namjoon.

I found him in where the training area is and close to the lazzures pit

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I found him in where the training area is and close to the lazzures pit.

"Hey Namjoon" I said. "Hey Jungkook.....this place is so big......Ok so what do you want to ask me?" He asked as I took something out of my pocket, it was an engagement ring. "Wow" Namjoon said as he raised his eyebrows. "I know....I want to propose her so I called you here to ask for your blessing." I said as Namjoon sighed.

"Do you love my sister so bad?" He asked as I nodded. "Ok you could have my blessing." He replied.

"But Whatever you do with her, don't hurt my sister." He said as I nodded and hugged him and Namjoon quickly pulled away from the hug. "Thanks hyung." I said as he nodded.

"Where is Ji woo?" Namjoon asked as I took him to Ji woo room and she was awake, putting her hood on.

"Hey Ji woo" Namjoon called her as she looked up and raised her eyebrows. "Oppa.....what are you doing here?" She asked as she hugged him. "Well I came here to see you and I want you to come back to P.H.A.S.E." He said as she sighed. "Look Oppa.....I can't go back." She said as I crouched down and hold her hand. "Plzz Ji woo" I begged her as I made a cute face to her and She chuckled.

Jungkook cute face

Jungkook cute face

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"Ugh.....Jungkook you're killing me with that too cute." She said as I giggled. "Plz Ji woo come back to us." I begged her again as I kissed her hand softly.

".........Fine After we finish off Jordan." She said as I stood up and hugged her. "Who's Jordan?" Namjoon asked as I looked at him.

"He's Suho brother and that's why I left 2 months ago, to protect him." Ji woo replied. "And He stabbed Jimin and Ji woo yesterday." I said as Namjoon raised his eyebrows. "What?! Was Jimin and Ji woo ok yesterday?" He asked.

"Don't worry Oppa I'm fine including him." She replied as I put my arm around her. "And now I have to end him just like his brother." She replied as I held her elbows. "Look Ji woo are you sure you could kill him? I mean he is just 17 years old." I asked as I touched her cheek.

"His family has been hunting down my family for years and I wanted to take this son of a bitch down, for hurting and killing my family." She replied as we all left.


Ji woo POV

We went to where the assassins train at and I walked toward to towards to Jordan. "Ji came" Jordan said as he took his sword out. "Ji woo we're here for you." Taehyung whispered as They all nodded.

"Of course I did......otherwise I'm a coward but I'm not a coward." I replied as I  took my Bo staff out and the assassins took their swords out. "Asashin o matsu!" (it means stand down assassins in Japanese) I said as they stepped away.

"Come on Jordan." I said as Jordan started to ran towards me and started to fight. I fought back with the Bo staff and I hit in so many parts of his body that blood started to come out and crouched down. "Are you done" he said as I put the bo staff in front of his neck and choked him.

"Yurushi, kare ni jihi o atae, haka no batsu to hi no kurushimi kara kare o mamotte kudasai" (it means, forgive and have mercy on him, protect him from the punishment of the grave and the torment of the fire in Japanese) I said as I snapped his neck and I teared up. I know I wasn't supposed too but I did and I did what I have to do.

"Ji woo are you okay?" Jungkook asked as he gave me hand and I wiped my tears. "Yeah thank you" I replied as he helped me stood up and nodded. "Come on let me help you." He said as he put my arm around his shoulder and I laid on his shoulder. "Thank you again Jungkook." I said as he looked at me and smiled. "Can you stay here I need to do something alone or a second?" I asked as he nodded and I left.


I went to the place that has a fireplace and I'm waiting for the rest of my friends to come. "Thank you for coming." I said as Jungkook, Tae, Oppa, So-mi and Jimin nodded.

"I brought you all here to show you something." I said as I took off the ring and throw it into the fire.

"After I killed Jordan, I disbanded the league of assassins and I released its forces, and no one should be held prisoner by The league of assassins." I said as I looked at Tae.

"Good Ji woo" he said as he nodded. "Ji woo can I talk to you about something?" Jungkook asked as He came closer.

"You are the most amazing and the bravest girl that I ever met, you love me for myself, and I never thought I would end up in a relationship this because I love you so much and I can't imagine living without you." He said as he hold my hands and I started to get emotional.

"A hundred and five is the number that comes to my head, when I think of all the years I wanna be with you, wake up every morning with you in my bed, that's precisely what I plan to do." He started to sing as I teared up.

"And you Know one of these days when I get my money right......Buy you everything and show you all the finer things in life, we'll forever be in love, so there ain't no need to rush But one day I won't be able to ask loud enough." He continued singing as he got down one knee and took an engagement ring out. I gasped and covered my mouth with my hands.

"I'll say, will you marry me.......I swear that I mean it...I'll say will you marry mee......?" He stop singing As I bursted into tears.

*The way He sang it, it's just too emotional*.

"Don't cry" He said softly as He hold my right hand and I wiped my tears.

"Kim Ji woo.......Will you marry me?" He asked as I looked at Oppa and he nodded slightly. Then I looked at So-mi and jimin as they hugged each other and nodded. I looked at Tae as he teared up and nodded.

I think Tae got emotional and so did I. Finally I looked back at Jungkook, waiting for my answer.

"....Yes" I replied as everyone cheered and he put the ring on my finger. Then he stood up and pressed on my lips, deepening the kiss.

End of chapter 23 song

To be continued

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