Chapter 3

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Taehyung POV

"Tae??" Ji woo said. "Hi.... it's good to see you again Ji woo."
I said and I saw her with teary eyes. I know I cheated her but I made a mistake. "Ji woo are you ok?" Namjoon asked

"Yeah" Ji woo replied as she wiped her tears. "I just....I need some air." Ji woo said as she started to walk away and Namjoon walked up to her.

"Sorry oppa I cant right now."
Ji woo said as she walked out and Namjoon sighed. I sighed too but My heart felt like it was about to break when she left again. but I needed to talk to someone right now.

"Namjoon?" I called on him "Yeah"
He replied. "Can we talk about this now." I said. "Yeah" Namjoon said sarcastically and I took him to the headquarters where we work with my team.

 "Yeah" Namjoon said sarcastically and I took him to the headquarters where we work with my team

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"Why did you bring her here?"
I asked. "Because it's been so long you guys haven't seen each other and you need to start talking to her." He said as I sighed and pushing my blonde hair back.

"Why don't you want to see her?" He asked. "You know why!" I yelled as Namjoon raised his eyebrows.

"Sorry....I just don't want her to know what happened after the breakup." I said "And also I'm not what she remembers." I continued.

"That you became stronger." He smirked. "Actually further from it" I said. "I don't want her to know that....I'm became an assassin for 2 years and that....I'm a killer." I said as I started to cry. "Tae is ok, I know you became an assassin because of your sister death and I know that you're not a killer since I first met you but Ji woo needs to know."He said as I wiped my tears.

"Thanks, hyung but why is she really here?" I asked

"Ok right now she has no one right now except us." he said as I Looked at him. "So please try to act normal And don't show her that you're are killer ok." He continued.

"No......." I said as I looked down.

"Why? Cause you still have feelings for her? He asked and I hesitated until mark called us. "Sir, jimin needs you right guys now." Mark said "We'll be on our way." Namjoon said and I left with him.

Ji woo POV

I went outside to clear my mind about Tae being here but I was still crying. It hurts everytime i see him and he has changed a lot. Now he has blonde hair and became a little stronger after we broke up, But tae was never like that. When we used to date, he was sweet, kind, funny, and Tae was the only person who cheered me up after my mother's death. But he is stronger than before.


5 years ago

I went to school without my brother dropping me up from school and everyone start laughing at me because I was crying from my mother's death. When I went to class Taehyung was sitting next to me, my best friend. "Hey are you okay?" Taehyung asked as he wiped my tears. " mom died yesterday." I replied as I started to cry more. "Hey it's...okay  I'm here." Taehyung said as he started to hug me tight.

"Shhh...I'm here" he said as I looked at him and he smiled.

When he smiled, I stopped crying and I lay on his shoulder

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When he smiled, I stopped crying and I lay on his shoulder. "Thanks Tae, I love you as a friend." I said as he looked at me with shocked face. "I love you too as a friend,
Ji woo." He said and he started to hug me tight.

End of flashback

I'm standing almost at the edge of the balcony and I was still crying until I heard someone came in.

"You shouldn't be out here by yourself." A man said and I turned around quickly, and it was jungkook. "I needed to be alone" I said as I wiped my tears. "Are you okay?" he asked as he came standing next to me. "I'm.....I'm fine" I replied as I looked down.

"You don't look fine." He said and I sighed. "I....I saw my ex boyfriend today." I said as I looked at him.

"You mean Taehyung?" when he said that, I looked surprised.

"How did you....."

"Oh come on, I'm a spy and plus taehyung told me already." He cut me off as he smirked.

"Oh...but Everytime I see him, it hurts because he cheated me two years ago." i said. "How long you've been dating him?" he asked.

"Four years." I replied

"Does he know about your Mother's death?" he asked and
I nodded. "Before we dated, he always cheered me up after my mom died and when he kissed my frenemy rose, we had a huge fight and we broke up. " I replied as I teared up. "Hey don't cry I get it, my sister died 6 years ago and
I was broken until your brother recruited me." He said.

"I'm so sorry about your sister"
I said. "it's okay, we all got something to lose right?" he asked.

"Yeah" I replied as I chuckled. "hey sorry to break up the moment but your boss needs you right now" mark said. "Thanks mark... I should get are we friends?." he asked and started to walk out. "Sure...bye" I said. *he's kinda cute*

Namjoon POV

I called in the rest of team for a big announcement in the headquarters, I need to tell them about Ji woo. "Ok guys you're all here for this announcement."
I said in front of team.

"Ok.....Ji woo might be staying here, so don't do something dangerous when she is around plz." I said.

"Ok" Everyone replied including taehyung.

"But sir, are you gonna add her to the team?" Jungkook asked and everyone look surprised including me and Taehyung.

"I Don't want her to join on a mission where she's get herself killed and with these assassins out there, I can't send her  on a suicide mission." I said as Taehyung nodded. I think he still has feelings for her. "But how she's gonna protect herself? And you saw her yesterday right?" Jungkook asked as I sighed. I never thought he cared for anyone except his sister, maybe because he reminds her of his sister. Everyone was starting to look at me and I have to say something.

"Uh........... fine but she will be in my team with jimin, jungkook, and Taehyung. I also want taehyung to train her." I finished explaining.

"What?!" He said as he looked shocked. "Hyung a word" he said as pulled me out but harshly.

End of chapter 3 song.

To be continued

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