Chapter 31 - Heaven is a place on earth

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If you look around, things are pretty amazing. So stop for a second, enjoy the beauty, feel the magic, drink it in because it won't last forever. The romance will fade, things will happen, people will change, love will die but maybe not today.

4 months later

📍Zurich, Cristina's apartment

Cristina's POV

Owen and I were playing with Madi while planning her first birthday which was in two days, and we had organised a little party with some of our friends in Zurich. I wasn't really thrilled about that but Owen insisted and actually, I didn't really care.

Owen - We have to buy balloons and a birthday banner.

Me - Do we really have to do all this ?

Owen - It's her first birthday, it's important.

Me - But she won't even remember it !

Owen - But we do, and we'll show her pictures of this day when she's older.

Me - Okay...if that's what you want.

Owen - Thank you.

Me - Madi, you give the ball to mama ?

Madi - Ma...mama !

Me - Oh my god ! Did you hear that ?! She just say mama ! Madi say it again, come on, you can say it, mama, say mama !

Madi - Mama !

Me - Oh my god, oh my god !

Owen - She just say her first word ! Good job baby !

The tears filled my eyes. I had always been self-confident, sure of myself, especially at work. I knew exactly what I had to do, how and when I had to do it, and it was always perfect. But when I became a mom, it was no longer just about the patients' lives, it was about my life, my baby, and I was always afraid to do something wrong. I didn't want to be a bad mom, and the fact that her first word is "mama" made me think that maybe I had done the right thing.


Madi's Birthday

Owen's POV

Cristina had just come out the bathroom, she was beautiful as usual. She was dressed with a cream sailor pants and a white blouse.
At 3 p.m. the guests started to arrive, Cristina was at the door to welcome them and take the presents they had brought to Madi and I was serving them drinks. Shane and Dr. Dale Hawkins arrived. He was my age and Shane had hired him when Cristina and I were in Paris.

Dr Hawkins - Cristina, Owen ! Happy to see you, and the little Madi of course !

Shane - Hey ! We've presents for you !

Dr Hawkins - Cristina you look beautiful.

Cristina - Thank you Dale, you can both go to the kitchen, Owen's going to get you some drinks.

When everyone had been here, we opened the presents with Madi (there was a lot) and we kept drinking.


Cristina's POV

I was talking with Dale Hawkins, the new cardio attending over a glass of wine, well, he was new for almost a year, but all the same. I really liked him, he was kind, funny and passionate about his work.

Dr Hawkins - So, Madi was spoiled.

Me - Oh yeah.

Dr Hawkins - She is lucky to have you and Owen as parents. I have two kids, but they live in New York with their mother. I never see them.

Me - It must be hard for you.

Dr Hawkins - It is. But anyway, let's talk about something else. How did you end up here in Switzerland ? You lived in Seattle before, right ?

Me - Yeah. This hospital belonged to one of the doctors who trained me when I was an intern and one day he left Seattle... for some reasons and came here. And a few years ago, he moved and asked me to take over for him. And there I am !

Dr Hawkins - That was a really good opportunity for you.

Me - Yes it was.

And we kept talking until this is the end of the day and people come back home.


Owen's POV

Everyone was gone and we were cleaning the apartment. There were empty glasses and rests of cake everywhere, little pieces of wrapping paper on the floor, multicoloured balloons all over the apartment, and we had to put away all the toys, and books, and clothes that Madi had received.

Cristina - The party was nice, but now it is a big mess and we have to clean this up.

Me - Well, I'll put some music on, that will motivate us.

I put a CD in the stereo and press the Play button. I went to the bathroom to take a wet rag and when I came back in the living room, there was in front of me the cutest scene I'd ever seen. Cristina had taken Madi in her arms and she was dancing it out. They were both laughing out loud, their hair blowing in the wind. I couldn't be more happy.

When you walk into the room
You pull me close and we start to move
And we're spinning with the stars above
And you lift me up in a wave of love
Oh, baby, do you know what that's worth?
Oh, heaven is a place on earth.

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