Chapter 29 - Whatever it takes

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It might be hard for a surgeon to admit, but there's no shame in simply being human. It can be a relief to stop hiding, to accept who you really are. A little self awareness never hurt anyone. Because when you know who you are, it's easier to know what you're about, what you really need.

📍Zurich, Cristina's apartment

Owen's POV

Today was our first day in Zurich together and actually our first day back at work since Cristina's pregnancy. I was a little stressed out about working in a country on the other side of the world, in a new hospital, and with new people. I wanted to give Cristina's colleagues a good impression about me. It was also Madi's first day to daycare and I was nervous about other people taking care of her.

Me - We have everything ?

Cristina - Diapers, lotion, powder, baby bottle, wet wipes, toys. Yeah, I think we have everything.

Me - Okay, so let's go.

We strapped Madi in her car seat in the back seat of Cristina's car and we headed off to the prestigious Klausman Institute for Medical research. Cristina seemed a lot more nervous than me.


📍Zurich, Klausman Institute for Medical research

Cristina's POV

We'd just arrived at the hospital and I was wondering how people will react. 'Cause it's been nearly a year since I left  here without warning and now I was coming back, married, with a baby. People will be surprised. I took Madi in my arms and Owen took the bag.

Me - Here we go, I said by taking a deep breath.

Owen - Honey, it's gonna be okay.

Me - I don't know, what if they don't want me anymore as the chief because I left ? Or something like that.

Owen - Cristina, this hospital is your and I think they'll all be happy to see you.

Me - I hope so.

Owen - Come on, let's go.

From the second we walked in, two nurses came to me and I had to introduce Madi and Owen to them. I had to go see Shane. We went to my office. I knocked at the door and entered.

Shane - Dr Yang !

When he saw Madi in my arms and Owen behind me, he was open-mouthed.

Me - This Madi, our daughter.

Shane - Sorry, I don't know what to say...Congratulations.

Me - Thank you.

Shane - Is it why you left ?

Me - Uh, yeah. So, how did it go ?

Shane - Well, everything went well but this hospital is not the same without you. I'm glad you're back.

Me - Can you organise a meeting in the hall ? I have to talk to the staff.

Shane - Sure, I'll page everyone.

Me - Thanks for covering for all this time, thanks for everything.

Shane - It was a pleasure.


Owen's POV

We had just put Madi in daycare and it was time for Cristina to make her speech in front of the entire hospital. She was beautiful. She had a tight black and white dress under her lab coat with black heels and her hair were tied back.

Cristina - It's weird, we had been with her constantly the past three months and I didn't think it'll be so hard to leave her.

Me - Yeah, me too.

We went to the hall where everyone was waiting for her.

Cristina - Thank you everyone for coming. I know you all have work to do so I'll be quick. Dr Ross replaced me when I wasn't there and he did an amazing job, but now I'm back and I'm taking over this hospital from now on. And, there's something else...

She looked at me and gestured me to come next to her. It was really embarrassing.

Cristina - This is my husband Dr Hunt, and he is now a member of our team as a trauma surgeon. I'm counting on you to make him welcome. Thank you, you can go back to work.

I was proud of her, she'd become a magnificent surgeon, at the head of a hospital and owner of a Harper Avery, AND an amazing mom.

Me - You were perfect.

Cristina - I know...I need to cut, I missed that too much.

Me - Ask Shane if you can perform one of his surgeries.

Cristina - Yeah, you're right...Won't that be weird, me being your boss ?

Me - Well, my boss is really hot so...I'll get over it...

I kissed her and we went to work.

I do whatever it takes
'Cause I love how it feels when I break the chains
Whatever it takes
You take me to the top I'm ready for
Whatever it takes
'Cause I love the adrenaline in my veins
I do what it takes.

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