Chapter 12 - Faded

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Sometimes you just need to get out of town. Get a new perspective. But you can't always see that you need a new perspective, because you, well, need a new perspective to be able to see that. It's complicated. Open your eyes. What do you see? More possibilities? Does your new view give you more hope? That's the goal. Although it doesn't always work out that way. Sometimes a shift in perspective just makes you see what you've lost.

📍Zurich, airport

Cristina's POV

Paris. I'll go to Paris. I could speak French and I had never been there before, plus, I love croissants and French bread. So I bought a ticket to Paris and I was on the plane two hours later.


On arriving in Paris, I rented a car and an apartment in a small street, just minutes from the St. Louis hospital.
I had decided to not answering my phone while I'm living here, I didn't want to have to explain Meredith why I had left. So I turned it off.


📍Seattle, airport

Owen's POV

At the airport, I took the first plane to Zurich. I was overjoyed at the thought of seeing Cristina. I wasn't with Amelia anymore and we're going to live our life the way it should have been since the beginning.

While I was on the plane, I kinda started freaking out and I was asking myself many questions. What if she had somebody in her life ? What if she didn't want me there ? What was I going to do ?...And many other.

📍Zurich, Klausman Institute for Medical Research

When I arrived to Zurich, I went to Cristina's hospital immediately. The hospital was along a river. It was very pretty. I came in and I asked one of the nurse where was the chief of surgery's office. She showed me the way to Cristina's office and I went there.

When I arrived, I knocked at the door and Shane opened the door.

Shane - Dr Hunt ? To what do I owe the pleasure ?

Me - Oh, good morning Dr Ross, actually I'm looking for Cristina.

Shane - Hum, she's not here.

Me - What do you mean ?

Shane - She left without any warning. She just left this note.

He handed me the note so I can read it.
It was written :

I need to get away from here for a while and I want you to run this hospital like it's your while I'm gone. Please, don't try to call me. I'm counting on you.
Dr Cristina Yang"

Me - Does anyone know where she went ?

Shane - No, nobody knows. I found the note a few minutes ago.

Me - Okay, thank you Shane.

I was shocked, where could she possibly have gone ? Maybe to Seattle but I doubt it. I decided to call Meredith to see if she knew something.


📍Paris, Cristina's apartment

Cristina's POV

The lobby of the building that I lived in was a bit dark and my apartment was on the 2nd floor without elevator but I loved the apartment I had rented, it was not very big but it was very bright and comfortable.

I'll probably take a tour of the city in the coming days. You know, the basics, the Eiffel Tower, the Champs Elysées, the Montmartre quarter, and many others. Besides, I had some time and nothing else to do.


📍Seattle, Grey-Sloan Memorial hospital

Meredith's POV

I was with Alex in the cafeteria when I received a call from Owen.

Me - Owen ?

Owen - Hello ? Meredith ?

Me - Yes, what do you want ? Are you with Cristina ?

Owen - No, actually I just went to her hospital but she left a note that said that she was gone somewhere and that we shouldn't call her. I thought that maybe she would come back in Seattle.

Me - I don't think she's here, she would have told me.

Owen - So were is she ?

Me - I have no idea.

Owen - Oh my god, maybe something happened to her ! We have to find her !

Me - Owen, calm down, there is no reason to worry about that yet. But I'll try to call her anyway.

Owen - Okay let me know, I'm going back to Seattle.

Me - Okay bye.

Alex - What's happening ?

Me - It's Cristina, apparently she left Zurich but we don't know where she is.

Alex - Don't worry about her. Yang is a big girl, she can handle herself.

Me - I'm going to call her.

Alex - Okay, if you say so.

But I got her voicemail.

You were the shadow to my light
Did you feel us
Another start
You fade away
Afraid our aim is out of sight
Wanna see us
Where are you now ?

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