Chapter 52

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"Mom", Leila screams.

"Leila", I scream back. I hear her walk into the kitchen behind me.

I turn around and gasp," Can we keep it?"

She is holding a little baby pit bull in her arms.

"Where do you find her", I ask cautiously wailing towards the little puppy.

We don't have any dogs. Kalani and Samoa died when Andrew was little just after Leila was born and just before Natalie.

God this puppy looks just like Kalani.

"Um Leila. Mommy has to go to work and you have to go to school, so give mommy the puppy and go grab your backpack. Ok?"

"Fine", she groans and runs upstairs.

"Andrew. Paige. We need to leave soon. Come downstairs for breakfast." A few minutes later they come trudging down the stairs with their bags dragging on the floor behind them.

Paige is going into kindergarten this year and I am sad, but I'm also happy. I'm sad because she is growing up, but I'm happy because I get to start doing more videos and working more on the talk show to make it better.

Oops forgot to mention Andrew is going into fourth and Leila is going into 1st.

They all sit down and I put down eggs and bacon in front of them. Mark comes waltzing down the stairs buttoning up his work shirt.

"Woah that's a dog", he says stopping and looking at the dog in my arms.

"Leila found her in the front yard I think", I say scratching her head. Mark gives me a 'are you okay' look and I nod.

"Are we going to keep it", Andrew asks excitedly. Mark and I have always been against having dogs because we were so attached to Kalani and Samoa. I look at Mark at the exact moment he looks at me and we stare at each other for a long time.

"Yes", we both say.

Leila and Paige squeal; Andrew jumps out of his chair and runs to me. He hugs me tightly and I laugh.

"Thank you thank you thank you", he screams and I laugh.

"You're welcome", I say looking at all of them." Now grab your backpacks and get in the car you have to go to school", I say and they all groan.

"What are we going to do about the puppy", Mark asks as they start scrambling around.

"I'm going to take her to work and we will name her after school", I say and he nods.

"I'm working late remember", he reminds me. I sigh and nod. We all hate when Mark has to work late. The kids love it when we all watch movies at night with big bowls of popcorn.

He swings an arm over my shoulder and I lean into him. We walk into the kitchen and I grab a little bowl and a bottle of water and place them in my purse. Mark hands me a bag of leftover dog food from when we watched Rachel's dog and I throw it in my bag before walking out to the car hand and hand with Mark. The kids are running around with the baby in the front yard and I smile.

"We should have gotten a dog before this", we say in unison. We smile and nod." Get in my car", I yell and they all scurry over and jump in. Andrew runs with the puppy pressed carefully against his chest and my smile widens.

"See you after work", Mark says before kissing me and walking to his car. I stand where I was and watch as he pulls out and then walk to the car and climb in.


"Ok Andrew hand me the puppy", I ask. He hands her over and I reach behind and grab her lightly." Have a good day at school." They all wave as I pull away and start my drive to work. Its about 30 minutes away from their school." You're just a cute little puppy." I scratch her head and she snuggles into my lap.

I smile and work my way through the bumper to bumper traffic.

When I get to the shooting area, I am attacked by my hair and make up stylist. I hold on tight to the puppy as they drape my purse over the shoulder of my chair. There are hands all over my face and there are brushes being raked through my hair.

When I am done I head out to the floor and take a seat at my desk with baby in my lap.

"Cameras rolling in three, two, one."

"Hey everyone. Welcome back. If your new, welcome to the family. OK so today's guest is none other the Austrailian pop sensation, 5 sos. Or as many of you know them as, 5 Seconds of Summer." The boys come out and I smile and the puppy wiggles. I look down quickly and she is climbing up onto my desk." Another guest is this little cutie. Leila found her this morning."

"Can I hold it", Luke asks and I nod as she jumps out of my arms and onto the floor. He scoops her up and she barks happily.

"Looks like you've got a new best friend", Calum says laughing.

"Anyways.. today we are doing a popular challenge on YouTube known has YouTuber whispers." I pause as my crew comes out and hands them all headphones. Luke hands me back the little puppy and I explain the game," Basically how you play is that the boys will put on the headphones and music will play through them. They are noise canceling so the boys will have to try and figure out the sentence I will read to them by reading my lips. The closest person gets a point. The person who gets to 5 points first wins. Losers will do a dare picked by the winner. Are you ready?"

"Yup", they all say. They put on their headphones and I pick up my cards.

"Ok so first sentence..."

"What", Ashton screams. I laugh and shake my head.

"Bananas are yellow, but monkeys are boring", I say and they all look at me confused.

"Basketballs are funny, butts are smelly", Calum says. I laugh.

"Bananas are moldy, but monkeys are furry", Luke says. I smile.

Ashton and Michael answer and they are no where close.

"Point Luke", I say and they all scream what at the same time.


"Great job today", my publicist says as I am walking out.

"Thank you", I say and grab my purse of my chair. She nods and I walk out to my car and hurry to the kids school to pick them up. I love my schedule. I work while they are at school and then when I'm done I pick them up and we head home.


"Ok so what are we going to name her", I ask as they all clamber into the car.

"I dont know", they all scream dropping their bags.

"I was thinking something cute like Maui", I say looking at them in the rear view mirror.

"I like it", Leila says. I smile and Paige looks at the puppy in her arms.

"I like it", she says snuggling her.

"I guess", Andrew says shrugging. I smile and pull out my phone.

I dial Mark's number and put it on speaker phone.


"Hey honey", I say as the kids scream in the background.

"Hey kiddos."

"So me and the kids have settled on Maui for the little girls name", I say.

"Maui", he says as if testing the name out," I like it. Maui Kendal our new baby girl."

"Ok so since we all like the name we are going to go get stuff for her and then we will see you when you get home."

"Ok bye love you"

"Love you", we all say and then I hang up.

~AN~ Ok so here comes a time jump. It is basically just going to be a short chapter when Paige and Leila are 13 and 14. Andrew is about 17.


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