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I panted as I pathetically rested back on the rock wall. I started feeling the strain in my neck. My heart beat overwhelmed my ears once again. My eyelids began to feel droopy; I needed my sleep. My mouth stretched open for a yawn and a tear rolled down my cheek.

I couldn't.. I knew I shouldn't fall asleep. I'd probably not wake up. I didn't want to worry about Anya, either... but I had to do something or the anxiety would eat me alive. I didn't know what to think so I decided to just clear my head and backtrack. I thought of the previous events that led to my current situation in that cellar. I hadn't had the chance--merely enough time to recover--in the other basement to even start questioning Adam's actions.

So, I stared at the floor with furrowed brows as I pondered. Why did Adam cooperate with Gabi, in the first place? When Adam abducted me, he said.. that was for Anya.

I suddenly remembered his story, about the break in. At that point, I doubted if any of that story was even true.

Then I knew, I must've been just a ransom for Anya. Though, why would she abduct Anya? If this was all personal? Or had I just hastily assumed?

I backtracked further, to me and my friends' night out at the bar. I couldn't even guess how many hours ago that's been. Nevertheless, the boys mentioned Natasha... She was one of the popular girls Gabi, apparently, tried to emulate.

She was also one of the missing girls.

My eyes shot up and slowly across the passed out--or dead--girls. If I had counted correctly, there were about three girls--including the dead body and excluding myself. I couldn't see any of their faces. I scooted over to the closest body to me. She was bigger than I was, and much heavier.

I tried to push her weight to make her face me but I was too weak. She wasn't even fat, just was much fitter and bulkier than my petite self. I thought that she must've put up a good fight against Gabi. Apparently, as unfortunate as it sounds, she was still defeated and captured.

While thinking this, I heard a hard thud come from upstairs. Which made my body jolt and sweat increasingly.

Sighing at my failed attempt, I quickly scooted over to the next nearest body. At the same time, I tried to recall a defining feature about Natasha besides her face. I couldn't think of anything.

I finally reached another girl and my nose scrunched up at the intensifying bad odor. I definitely was getting closer to the dead body and I felt like throwing up. Anyway, the girl I just approached was slightly facing me but not quite.

I sucked my lips into my mouth and simultaneously pushed her with my hands and feet--which were all tightly bound together. I then removed the hair all over her face and was met with pure horror.

"Oh!" I exclaimed in shock and stumbled back. Her face... her entire face was scarred. It was like the skin on her face was replaced with imperfect plastic. There was no way I'd recognise this girl with just her face. My eyes were so wide, it felt like my eyeballs could just pop out of their sockets. I was petrified.

I heard a moan to my right. My head snapped to that direction and saw the other girl slowly roll over.

"H- hey?" I tried to call out for her. She just continued to moan and I was about to crawl over to her when a creak stopped me.

My head snapped to the cellar steps. At that exact moment, I realised that they were not even locked. Also, note that none of us were gagged. Which made me think that we may just be in the middle of nowhere; any effort would be useless in a situation like this.

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