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I woke up to what felt like a dream; a nightmare, more like. I was groggy and I might have been dehydrated. Did all that really happen?

I sure hoped not.. but to my disappointment... it was indeed reality. My vision was hazy but I easily could tell that I was sat in a place I've never been in before.

My head was pounding but I managed to recall how my eyes widened at the sight of a needle injected right through me. Two seperate times.

I raised my chin up high and heard a cracking sound. For a brief moment, I hoped that I was dead instead. It was better than torture... which I actually felt was set for me in the near future.

When my vision cleared a little more I analysed what was in front of me. It was definitely more wood than last time. Though, this one had rock walls for grey instead of cement.

I blinked hard and tried to raise my hand to wipe the dripping sweat from my forehead. A constraint didn't let me do so which gave me the clear indication that I was--yet again--bound. My wrists and ankles altogether bound tightly.

As I inhaled sharply, my sense of smell was met with a bad odor I haven't smelled before. Staring at the lone hanging bulb, I struggled for breath. It was too confined and cramped, and I was in constraints. It smelled like a mix between gallons of human sweat and a rotten pig. I coughed to rid of the smell from my system. For a moment I thought I was in a barn, but it was pretty clear that I was in a cellar.

I deeply exhaled and rested my head against the rock wall. With a few more blinks, I was able to make out what's on my either sides. I wasn't alone.

A soft moan startled me and made my head snap to their direction. "Hello? Who's there?" she spoke. Rather a familiar voice spoke.

I shut my eyes hard for that must've shook my brain. "H- hey, I- I'm Wendy... wh-- " I informed her with my hoarse voice.

"W- Wendy?!" she called out. Then I thought, could it be... "Wendy Grey? I- it's Anya! Oh, my god.. " she exclaimed and, with her knees and ankles bound together and her arms tied to each of her sides, managed to crawl towards me.

My jaw slowly dropped and I was at a loss for words. So much, my brain couldn't process. Especially, in this drugged state.

I examined her as she got closer. She was wearing a worn out oversized leather jacket. I heard her sniffle. "I w-- Is- is it really you?" she hiccuped.

Feeling my chest heave, I began crying to myself. I nodded at her as I followed her movement and she finally settled right beside me. Unable to do much in our situation, she opted to rest her head on my shoulder.

With her forehead on my shoulder, she croaked out through her tears, "You know.. Wendy, I'd really rather... I- I'd rather be dead right now.." I felt her hiccup against my shoulder.

I rested the side of my head on the top of her head and said, "Me too, Anya.. Me too."

"My head hurts, Wendy..."

I blinked, trying to clear my vision from the tears. "Anya, how long have you been here?" I asked as I let out a deep exhale.

"I- I don't know... A few weeks?" she lifted and turned her head to rest the side instead on my shoulder. "I... I- I've seen truly... horrible things, Wendy.."

"What date this month did you go missing?" I asked as my eyes wandered over the passed out girls. Mostly gazing over their dishevelled hair.

"I- I don't kn-- Is it still August?"

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