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The following day, I decided to stay loyal to my bed. Besides, I needed to preserve my energy for I was going out drinking with my friends tonight.

I woke up to over fifteen text messages from Adam and another five from my group chat with Kyla, Zander, and Joey. I texted Adam back all the key details to my research; and also that I needed space to recover from the false-alarm with my brother's whereabouts the previous day. Though, I definitely hyped up me and my friend's scheduled meeting in the bar. This was well deserved, after all.

Waking up at one o'clock in the afternoon immediately made it feel like my thoughts were going backwards. I decided to stay in bed for another thirty minutes before one of my brothers came up to my room to wake me up.

When they found out I was awake this whole time, Joseph suggested that Patrick serve me breakfast in bed since he got me worried sick the previous day. Fair enough.

I agreed to my youngest little brother's suggestion and indeed my eldest little brother served my brunch in bed which consisted of my favourites: burger steak with extra mushrooms and with a side dish of Pork Sinigang (a traditional Filipino dish). It's not even really a side dish it's just lunch; the burger steak was supposedly for breakfast. But then again, this was a brunch.

He asked what I wanted to drink, and I initially wanted just water but that's a bore, so I ordered a lemonade instead.

"You want it with cucumber, your highness?" he joked around. Oh, yeah. I loved cucumber lemonade.

"Of course!" I said with a posh accent and giggled at him. I didn't know whether I was supposed to be a royalty or just a conceited A-list celebrity. I'd take either, really.

When the night came I finally rose. I took an hour assembling the best outfit possible; I made sure it was an outfit that will make me look presentable despite any state.

I made it a mission that I will be exiting my house smoothly and Adam-free. I told my mother and brothers to not entertain him at all today, no matter what circumstance it may be. By 21:30, I left the house with four missed calls worth of vibration, three of which were from Adam. I looked around as I walked to my car and was relieved that there was no sign of him.

When I arrived at the bar, I found Kyla and Joey leaning against the brick wall, a cigarette between their fingers. I managed to park directly up front.

"Yo, hoes!" I hollered at them as I exit my car.

"Ooh, look who's finally arrived!" Joey came over to me, put his arm around me and flicked his cigarette.

Kyla then approached me and blew some smoke directly to my face, "My babygirl's here, guys!"

I coughed through the stench of the tobacco. I never caught on with the smoking trend. "Woah, woah. Guys was that weed or something?" I jokingly implied because they were acting all weird and happy already. I cringed at myself; I very well knew that wasn't weed at all.

"Oh, nope. That shit's reserved for even better times," Joey responded with a wink.

"Let's get inside?" I put each arm over their shoulders. "Wait, where's Zander?"

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