Chapter 17 - How Long?

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I opened my eyes after the very graphic vision. I could hear my mother's thoughts, and the feelings she had towards the force. I could feel her fear seeping into my own emotions.

The lullaby. It was the same one that brought me back from the darkness a few days ago. I remembered the song to the point I could have hummed it, but I never could remember the lyrics until now.

My mind was awake, like I had been asleep for years while my body was fatigued. I was about to pull the covers off when I noticed an IV in my hand and a thin tube up my nose. I sat up slowly, allowing the covers that were pulled up to my shoulders to fall onto my lap. The robe I had on originally was replaced with a thin medical gown.

I then noticed how the room was put back together, like I never destroyed it. I glanced around the room and landed on a form that was slumped in a new plush chair in the far corner.

Who is that?

I tried to move, but my body was too weak. I couldn't get a good look at the person that was sharing my room because the lights were off. The only illumination I had was from the lights coming through the rectangle window.

My throat and mouth felt parched while my limbs felt like they were thousands of pounds. I couldn't sit up for too long before I had to lay back down. I drifted back to sleep, but I didn't fall too far back into the darkness.


I woke up again when I heard an unfamiliar voice speaking to a hologram. I could tell the hologram was General Hux. They were talking about a supply fleet was intercepted by the Resistance and how they had lost half of the ships. I could tell that both men were irritated based on their voices, but I still struggled to figure out the one voice that was in my room.

Their conversation quickly ended by a gruff parting by Hux. When the hologram turned off, I heard the man that was still in the chair take a deep sigh. I then heard him stand and walk towards the door.

I slowly sat up, with some difficulty. The man froze with his back towards me. The lights were dimmed, but I was still able to make out the long black robe, the wide black belt, and the ever present helmet; which was being held in the hand of the owner instead of on his head.

He turned to look at me. He was notably pale with dark wavy like hair. His nose looked like it had been broken more than once while his lips were thick and pink. He had a longer face that was framed by his hair.

Kylo Ren took a step towards me, but hesitated. I was just sitting there stiffly, waiting for his next move. He opened his mouth to say something, but instead placed his helmet back on his head.

"I will return shortly", was all he said before leaving my room.

I continued to sit there, thinking about what I should do when the door reopened. Three medical staff came in silently. They didn't make eye contact or speak as they checked over me. Finally, one of them spoke, "we are going to sedate you in order to remove the feeding tube."

I was about to protest when they injected the ever familiar pale liquid into my IV line.


I felt sluggish when I woke for a third time. I knew this must be from the sedative they gave me. I put my hand to my nose and felt the tube was removed. I checked my hand too and saw the IV line was also removed. The fist thought I has was that I was both thirsty and I had to use the bathroom. I slowly sat up to look around my room that was still dimly lit.

Sitting in the same chair as before was Kylo Ren. I didn't know what to do, so I did my best to pull the covers up to my chest. He still didn't move. He still had his helmet on, but he was slumped to the side of the chair with his elbow on the armrest and his hand holding his head.

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