Chapter 4 - A Brief Goodbye

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The wind gently tossed my hair from my shoulders into my still bruised face. I was standing outside the city limits with my single duffle bag. Beside me was my father, who was surprisingly sober. Today, I believe, would be my last day on this retched planet.

I had blacked out after what happened with Ghent. My brothers are too terrified of me to explain what happened. I didn't go with them to put him beside mother nor did I speak to the rest of my family members until last night. My father explained how he had contacted an old friend of my mothers who was willing to take me in after what had happened. I felt like I was betrayed by my family, but the more I thought about it the more I realized it was I who had betrayed everyone.

The burning self-hatred I have sitting in my chest was like coal waiting to be stoked into flames. It was a never-ending pain that I held onto. It was a reminder of what I had done in such a short lifespan. Yes, my remaining family might loath me, but I will always hate myself more.

The sun was almost completely hidden by the hills that were behind my father and I. He told me last night that we had to meet this mysterious old friend in a place that was secluded. Whoever this person was didn't want people to know or at least word to spread that they were coming to this planet. They were waiting for the cloak of darkness from the night to keep from staying eyes to see them landing.

I heard a sigh escape from my father's lips, I knew he must be wanting a drink. I glanced at him, allowing me to have one more image seared into my mind before I left him. He didn't give me a clue as to who I was meeting or where I was going. So, I didn't know when I would see him next if I ever did.

He caught me staring at him, so I quickly turned my head away in embarrassment. "They should be coming soon", he said as the last rays of light hit the top of the trees on the opposite side of the open field where their ship was to land.

Once I saw the first glimpses of stars, I picked up my bag and slung it over my shoulders. We heard someone entering the atmosphere, which caused us to look up. We didn't see any lights or what sounded like a ship until it was close enough to land on us. As it was maneuvering around the field, locating a safe place to land, my father spun me to face him and took me by the shoulders with both hands.

"Nym, these past few years have been rough, but I want you to know that I will always love you". Instead of hugging me, he gently squeezed my shoulders with both hands.

When he released me, I noticed the lower hatch to the ship beginning to drop. White steam escaped from the sides, making it difficult to fully view who was walking down the ramp.

My father removed something from under his shirt and from up around his neck. I turned to look at him again. In his hand was a milky to clear colored crystal the size of my smallest finger hanging on a piece of black, braided thread. He took my hand and placed it in my palm, wrapping my fingers around the crystal necklace.

"This was your mother's. It has been in her family for generations. Keep it safe." With that he turned, picked up his own bag, and walked towards the hills behind us towards home.

Now was not the time to cry. I needed to face who was walking towards me. With it being night, I had difficulty still seeing who was going to take me away. It looked like two human figures with a small ball rolling alongside them.

As they came closer I noticed one was a man and the other a woman. The woman was between the man and the visible droid. The woman was wearing a dark brown cloak with high collars to it. She was visibly older, with soft dark brown eyes and lighter hair that was beginning to grey. The man was wearing a brown jacket with similar colored pants and a white shirt. He had darker skin than the woman with darker hair and eyes too. I'm not very familiar with droids having only seen one or two in my lifetime, but this one was small with white and orange patches on its main body. Its head was able to rotate around the body as the droid rolled around.

They came to a stop in front of me, both humans looking me up and down, the female had curiosity on her features while the male looked watchful and suspicious. The woman spoke first, "Hello Nymeria. You must have many questions, but we must leave immediately. Please, if you'll follow us," she gestured towards the ship, "I promise to answer all of your questions to the best of my abilities, but only until we are on our way."

She pulled her hand out from inside her cloak and flicked her wrist for me to follow. With the droid leading the way, and the man lagging, I took the first steps into my future.

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