Chapter 20 - Training Solo

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My days continued without any sign of the shadow figure. This could have been because Kylo would stay in my room during the night. I don't know how long he would stay, because by my first alarm, he was gone from his chair. It didn't matter though, just as long as I didn't have to hear or see that figure again.

I haven't quite mastered the force, but for the last couple weeks Kylo decided that I should practice wielding a lightsaber, though not a real one. Kylo Ren had me practice different movements, positions, and actions with the imitation lightsaber. Practicing the motions seemed to come naturally, like I had done these movements before. Kylo was surprised at first, but he quickly switched to a more mature level by increasing our combat difficulty.

My training continued on until one day after training, Kylo told me he had to leave.

"We have information that might lead us to a small-scale Resistance Base."

"You're leaving?", I started to internally panic. If he was leaving, then who would protect me during the night? Who would make sure that the shadow figure wouldn't return?

"Only for a few days at most. It's a simple mission."

"Then why not take me with you?"

He hesitated, possibly because he didn't think about taking me with. Ass hat.

"It's too risky. You are not fully connected with the force. I don't want your anger to get the best of you and for you to accidentally attack us."

I felt hurt, but I understood. I was to be kept locked away safely until I can be sure that I was under control.

"I want you to continue to practice the lightsaber movements and to exercise your force connection."

"Alright", I said, defeated, "when do you leave?"


So soon.

"I wish you luck. Just, please come back", I said without thinking. I knew I was blushing, so I quickly turned away to leave when I felt him take my arm gently to turn me to face him. I didn't have time to register what was happening.

He placed a hand on my crimson cheek while leaning into me. He was about to brush his lips with mine when he hesitated, unsure if he should continue. Not thinking clearly, I pushed my lips onto his. I was about to pull away when he placed his other hand on my neck while he continued to kiss me. While wrapping my arms around his neck, I gripped his soft hair with my hands whilst kissing him back. I'm sure the kiss only lasted a few seconds, but to me it felt like a lifetime.

He quickly pulled away while looking me in the eyes. I used to think his eyes were a dark brown, but they were actually a lighter brown around the edges. We gazed at each other before he pressed his lips quickly to my forehead and turned to leave without looking back.


It took me a moment to regain my composure and thoughts after Kylo left. I blinked a couple times before leaving the training room to head back to my own room. Upon my return, I sat in the plush chair and thought about what had just happened.

Shit. I just kissed the Commander of the First Order!

I pulled my knees to my chest. I replayed the memory over and over, thinking about how I felt about it. I didn't think I had feelings like that towards him, but maybe I did. I don't know what to think.

After a while of sitting and thinking about how to proceed on this 'relationship', I decided to sleep on it. I began to prepare for the night like usual while still thinking about the kiss.

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