Noah shut the door behind them and grabbed the laptop that was lying on said bed. He flipped it open.
"Wait, so you're searching us?" Sam questioned. He hopped up onto the bed next to Noah and swung his legs up and down. Noah 'mmhmm'd, before going googling 'Noah Parker and Sam Hunter'.

Lots of results came up, and Noah clicked on the first result while frowning. It was an article written by some journalist. Sam skim read along with Noah, leaning his head on his shoulder.

To their surprise, the journalist was taking their side.

Noah was in disbelief as he read, quoting some of it out loud.
"'With Mr Parker being 23 and Mr Hunter just 21, the two of them are merely kids' Sam, this woman's saving our asses" he laughed, reading further.

The journalist went on about how the two of them came from low-income backgrounds and only committed the crimes they did because they had no money, etc, etc. Sam wondered why she was sticking up for them so much - they didn't even know her.

Noah clicked off the article again and then scrolled through a few more. Most of the other ones were completely against them, and Sam told him to stop looking at them because it was making him uneasy. Noah then went on images and their mugshots came up.

"Heh, I look great in mine" he pointed at himself on the screen. Then he clicked on to Sam's and laughed loudly.
"Sam, you look pissed off" he chuckled. And Sam did, because he was.

"Yeah, well I was pissed off, cause of Nathan!" He said Nathan's name like it was a curse word "I bet he's still walking free" he snarled.
"Calm down, Sammy" Noah was trying to keep the mood light-hearted "and hey, if we see him I'll beat the shit out of him, how's that for ya?"
Sam just laughed and shook his head.

Then Noah got up from the bed, yanking Sam up as well.
"Well, we've gotta get changed before we go to yours" he lead them out of the room and into another, which was mostly empty and appeared to be a spare.
"Why, what's wrong with what we're wearing?"

Noah just raised an eyebrow then looked Sam up and down, motioning to his white hoodie.
"Please, if you wanna go unnoticed you don't wear white"
Sam crossed his arms, looking down at said hoodie.
"I don't have any black jumpers or hoodies"

Noah tutted and opened the wooden wardrobe in the room, noticeably wincing at the loud creaking sound.
"Well then you're in luck, cause I have loads"
He grabbed one of many clothes hangers out, taking the hoodie off and chucking it at Sam.

"You're lucky I left a load here" he said, then pulled his own black hoodie on. It had red writing down the back of it.
"What, from your emo phase?" Sam teased, smirking.

"We don't talk about that" Noah shushed him, to which Sam chuckled before he pulled on the hoodie. It was, obviously, way too big. Reaching down to his mid thigh and basically swallowing his hands, it swamped him. Noah grinned.
"Well what's cookin' good lookin'"

"I look stupid" Sam ignored Noah and pushed the sleeves up, only for them to slide back down again a few seconds later. He gave up and just rolled the ends up.
"Pshh, you wear it better than I did" Noah bit his lip "now come on, we should get going".

They dumped their bags in the spare room and left again, giving a quick wave to the girls' (who weren't paying attention). Both of them pulled their hoods up.

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