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Hi there! I've finished my story 'A Royal Wedding'. I would like to say thank you for loving my story. Thank you for reading. Thank you for voting. And... thank you for supporting me! I really appreciate it =)

I'm lacking in writing skills. So, I want to apologize if there are some worst grammar in this story. As I said before, I'm not good enough in english. I hope you will understand me. I will work hard to improve my english and writing skills.

I want to ask you some questions.

Do you like the characters in this story?

Which part do you like the most?

Do you think this story is interesting?

Lastly, I want to say goodbye! Huhu... Don't be sad...NoNoNo~ You are not alone...NoNoNo~ Please looking forward to my next work. See you soon ya!

A Royal Wedding [COMPLETED]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora