Ch. 6- Changing into something else

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"W-what are you guys doing here?" She quietly spoke, as I barely heard her faded voice speak aloud to all of us.
"Wanted to see if you would join us for some some bumper car riding today? Your dad told us you seemed under the weather...", Anna innocently said, in a whisper tone loud enough for everyone to hear.
"Um, yeah. I haven't been feeling great, you guys can go without me because I know you won't want me to lag along in the back, I probably won't be able to go on anyways because my stomach is hurting really bad and that will make it even worse if I do."
"We want you to come, Mary!" Alex shouts, flailing his hands up in the air.
"Yeah, you should at least come, you don't actually have to come ON the bumper cars with us!" Raquel says coming in closer to Mary, who was standing up and making her bed.
"I guess I could go..." Her voiced trailed off as her eyes wandered around her room, stopping on me.
"Do you want me to go Austin?" Her innocent voice spoke to me. At first, those specific words had made my heart melt, but a few seconds later I remembered my plan.
"Of course I want you to come Mary, but maybe I'll sit on the sidelines with you to show you what bumper cars are really about." I winked at her, trying to make myself look as irresistible as I wanted to be.
She lightly blushed, but then her once lovely expression turned into a frustrated and angry one.
Before Mary could respond, Robert interrupted her unspoken words.
"Um well, you can get dressed and such, we'll be outside." He smiled as everyone exited the room, except I didn't leave the room just yet.
"Um Austin, I need to get dressed." Mary awkwardly spoke to me, very impatiently.
I didn't hesitate, didn't say anything, all I did was violently rush up to her body and placed my lips on hers. But I wouldn't give into my desires this easily and decided to stick to the plan, so I ended up just brushing my lips across hers, leaving her in desperation and shock.
Still in surprise, Mary gently placed her finger on her lips, reliving the unthinkable moment in her mind.
I smirked, knowing my idea had worked. Her facial expression then had changed oddly fast into a disturbed look.
"Get out." Her stern, angry voice spoke. I was surprised that she had the guts to yell at me, but I couldn't care if she was upset. "Aw baby, don't be mad. I'll-" She cut me off, pushing my body away from her.
"Get out, please. I beg of you."
I stupidly and surprisingly let myself give into her and left the room quietly, without a riot.
Once Mary had finished changing into her clothing, I ends up being awkwardly smushed between Mary and Raquel on the car ride to the bumper car place. How great, right? While Raquel was shunning me for acting so weird and stupid all of a sudden, Mary was just plain ignoring me because I most likely creeped her out before. Probably because she's never seen that bad side of me before. To be honest, I've never even seen that side of me before. I've always been that socially awkward boy, who was in love with a girl he didn't even have a close change with. But now I'm realizing that I'm not only changing for Mary, but I'm changing for me too. I need to be a different person than the nerdy boy I am now and no longer be made fun of all the freaking time. I just needed it to finally stop. Maybe this was a way to make it all end, by completely changing myself? I think it's a good way to start. I had to try.
Once the horribly unpleasant car ride had eventually ended, I was extremely relieved but I knew sooner or later the stress would soon be put right back on my shoulders.
Slowly and carefully, I opened my rusty car door as I started walking up to the ticket area before anyone else. Once the short line had ended, I quickly said to the lady at the counter, "Two tickets please."
A few seconds later, two mini tickets for the bumper cars were placed in the palm of my hand.
I then walked over to the end of the line, where everyone else was, and I handed my extra ticket to Mary.
"Here you go, babe. Enjoy." I licked my lips, as she suspiciously looked at the ticket I gave her. Robert, Alex, Raquel and Anna all looked at me with disgust.
"Um, Austin, why wouldn't you get us one too?" Anna spat at me. But I ignored her comment and focused on Mary and her reaction to my sweet gesture.
As the rest of my friends were ferociously staring at me, I didn't noticed Mary's expression had changed drastically.
"How sweet of you!!" Mary softly spoke, as I stood there with accomplishment. But my successful feeling had soon faded away when she carelessly, but subtly tore the ticket I gave her up and threw it on the ground without hesitation.
"But I can do things myself, Austin." She sassily says, looking away and taking a few steps forward.
I felt idiotic and shameful at what I had done and soon realized it wasn't that great of a gesture to her as I thought it would be. I guess I have to work on my skill...
Robert and Alex continued to glare at me, knowing that I had made the wrong move.
Mary was different than all the other girl, in a good way, of course. You see, she would never appreciate the little, kind things I do for her because she has a different taste in romance. I haven't quite figured out what she likes in guys yet, but I know I will find out sometime in the near future and make her mine as soon as I possibly can.
She was going to be mine one day and I was going to make sure my plan will come into full action when that happens. I'll make sure of it.
And nothing will get in my way of doing so.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2014 ⏰

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