Ch. 4- Never Ever

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Ch. 4- Never Ever

"A-Austin," Mary stutters, "I don't feel so good."
My heart stopped. Was she alright? Oh no.
"Do you want to get off, Mary?" My voice cracks.
"Yes, please." She says as her stomach growls loudly in sickly way.
I half smiled at her, trying to reassure her that she was going to be ok, before standing up and shouting, "Stop the ride! Stop! Please!"
The ride stopped in its place, as one of the concerned workers ran up to our section of the ride.
"Is everything okay over here?" The worker says cautiously unbuckling Mary and I's protective belt.
"Yes, I just need to get off. Thanks again." Mary spoke softly and kindly to the worker, as she ran down the stairs off the ride.
I follower behind her, noticing that she was heading towards the bubblers.
When she got there, she gently leaned over, sipping the water that was shooting out of the bubbler, sip by sip.
After she took some deep breaths and he stomach settled down, she said she felt a bit better, but didn't want to go on any fast rides, otherwise she would be even closer to puking again.
We just decided that it would be best if we just strolled the amusement park.
As we walked the outlines of the park, hand in hand, talking about our random lives Mary suddenly stopped walking.
"Hey Austin, maybe we could go on the Ferris wheel? That's not too wild or violent..." Mary's voice faded while saying it.
"I guess, if you want." I say, pulling her hand and guiding her towards the large wheel in front of us.
Once the long and monotonous line for the the ferris wheel had shorten up, we finally were allowed to get on.
We sat very close to each other, legs touching, our hands were almost even touching too. But, hey, I wasn't complaining.
As soon as the wheel started to move, Mary gently looked over at me, meaning that she was happy and not scared, and neither sick either.
I lightly smiled back at her, causing her to grab my hand and then softly squeezing it.
I looked out into the distance and smiled to myself, thinking about Mary.
After being on the Ferris wheel for about 5 minutes in complete silence, Mary's palliative voice soon asked, "Austin, can I ask you an important question?"
I turn my head towards her extremely fast while saying, "Of course, Mary. What is it?"
"I-I think I might like someone... A lot. I've liked them for a long time, what should I do?" She says practically whispering to me.
My heart stopped. Was it me? No, it couldn't be... Could it?
"I think you should just tell them how you feel. There is nothing wrong with expressing your feelings and if they don't feel the same way, then they're missing out on an amazing, fun-loving girl." I say, being completely honest with her.
"Thank, Austin. That means so much to me, you always give the most amazing advice." She giggled and then added, "this is why I love you. I'll make sure to share my feelings with Zach soon. Even if he doesn't like me back, I'll know I tried and there is always someone else out there for me." She smiled and then looked away, admiring the beauty below us.
My heart broke into a billion pieces in the matter of seconds. That's what love does to you. It tears you down and breaks you apart, causing you to go into a deep depression.
Zach is the one she likes.
Not me.
After taking all this in Mary soon spoke, "His voice soothes me and his smile brightens my world. He really is, truly, an amazing person. I think I might love him."
So this is love.
This is what it feels like to be broken. To have your heart ripped apart.
I just smiled at her, holding back the tears that urged to pour out of my eyes. I swallowed hard, just wanting to get out of this sad awkwardness. I didn't even know she knew Zach that well, but maybe she knew him better than I thought.
As soon as we exited the Ferris wheel, I had this sudden exhort to just run home and hide in a corner and cry my eyes out. Have you ever hit so hard in love that you felt like doing that? That's happened to me many times. Mary has a extremely powerful effect on me that causes me to do so.
But this time I knew I shouldn't go and hide away from my distressing problems, I was going to face them head on.
I'm going to fight for Mary. Make her love me. It's going to be hard, but I can make her fall for me, I know I can. I'm going to make her fall so hard for me that I'll be her drug. But once she wants me more than anything in the world, I'll act like I don't want her nor I never did which will break her, like she broke me. She'll finally see how felt, and finally understand how much she tore me apart. She'll finally know how I feel about her and how it feels to love someone so much, but to never, ever have them.



Hey! I hope you liked the chapter!
Things are really gonna change and pick up here, and the chapters are gonna get so much more interesting!
Thanks for reading!
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Thanks again, love you!!❤❤❤

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